The National Flood Insurance Program and the City operate a flood plain management program through the adoption of Flood Damage Prevention Regulations. A part of the flood plain management system requires control of building construction in flood-prone areas as follows:
(a) Projects regulated by the State-adopted OBBC shall be documented, using such standards as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers booklet Flood Proofing Regulations-72 (a technical guide cited in Appendix B of the OBBC which delineates design data for the flood-proofing of structures) as required in provisions of the OBBC and as set forth in this section.
(b) Within any Special Flood Hazard Area as identified in Section 3.2 of the Hamilton County Flood Damage Prevention Regulations, and where base flood elevation data is available, the Building Inspector shall require:
(1) New and substantially improved residential structures to meet standards as applicable of the Army Corp Regulation.
(2) New and substantially improved residential structures to meet standards of the Army Corps Regulations.
(c) All utility work in all buildings shall comply with the applicable chapters of the standard.
(d) A certificate for each building, verifying the actual, in-place elevation of the lowest floor including basements) or the actual level of flood-proof construction as applicable shall be submitted to the Building Inspector prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. Such certificate shall be expressed in feet and tenths of feet NGVD (mean sea level).
(Ord. 26-1989. Passed 12-18-89.)