The provisions of this chapter shall not govern the display of the following signs and objects:
   (a)    Signs used for safety purposes relative to the repair or maintenance of streets, sidewalks or other public property or utilities in a public right-of-way.
   (b)    Nameplates not in excess of one and one half (1 ½ ) square feet.
   (c)    The American, Ohio, and North College Hill flags and flags of other nations or nationality groups.
   (d)    Cornerstone and permanent building plaques displaying the date of construction, architect’s name, building name, historical information, etc., and not exceeding eight (8) square feet in area.
   (e)    Seasonal and holiday decorations, excluding advertising, displayed for reasonable and customary durations of time.
   (f)    Any monument within a cemetery.
   (g)    Matter appearing, as part of the original construction, on gasoline pumps, newspaper vending boxes, and automatic teller machines and other vending machines.
   (h)   Real Estate signs on private property and not exceeding five (5) square feet.
   (i)   Any board, sign or surface used to display any official notice issued by any court or public office or posted by a public officer in the performance of a public duty. (Ord. 1-2003. Passed 1-6-03.)