Chap. 1171. Compliance and General Regulations.
Chap. 1173. Performance Standards.
Chap. 1174. Cellular or Wireless Communication Systems.
Chap. 1175. Signs.
Chap. 1177. Off-Street Loading and Parking.
Chap. 1179. Service Stations, Hotels and Motels, Garages and Parking Areas.
Chap. 1180. Sexually Oriented Business.
Chap. 1181. Mobile Food Vendors Requirements.
Chap. 1183. Swimming Pools.
Chap. 1184. Livestock and Farm Animals.
Chap. 1185. Dwelling Conversions.
Chap. 1187. Lots of Record.
Chap. 1189. Yard Modifications.
Chap. 1191. Yard Projections.
Chap. 1193. Nonconforming Uses.