10-12-4: AMENDMENTS:
   A.   Authority; Public Hearing Required: Any owner, the Plan Commission, or the Board of Trustees may apply for amendment in the text of this title and the zoning map. No amendment shall be made by the Board of Trustees without a public hearing before the Village Plan Commission. The Plan Commission shall hold a public hearing and submit its recommendation to the Board of Trustees within ninety (90) days. (1977 Code § ZR-1-9)
   B.   Public Hearing Notice Provisions; Sign To Be Posted On Property: No amendment to this title shall be made without a hearing before the Plan Commission. At least fifteen (15) days' notice of the time and place of such hearing shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the Village. Except in the case of a text amendment of general applicability, a copy of such notice shall be delivered in person or mailed not less than ten (10) days in advance of the hearing to all owners of property within two hundred fifty feet (250') of the subject property (excluding in such measurement rights of way of streets and roads) but in no event shall notice be given to less than three (3) closest property owners on the same side of the street and, in addition, three (3) closest property owners on the opposite side of the street from the petitioner's property; provided, however, that for the purpose of this section, ownership may be determined on the basis of the last available tax records of the county. Mailings shall be accomplished by the Village staff, to whom the applicant shall deliver unsealed, addressed and stamped envelopes not less than thirteen (13) days in advance of the date of the hearing.
In addition to the published newspaper notice and mailed or delivered notice as provided in this subsection, the Village Clerk or the designee of the Village Clerk shall post on the subject property for which an amendment is sought, or to which a text amendment relates in a location generally perpendicular to the adjoining street and reasonably visible from each adjoining street, a two (2) sided sign approximately three feet by two feet (3' x 2') in size stating substantially as follows:
Village of North Barrington
Letters are 2 inches
Notice of Zoning Hearing
Letters are 2 inches
This Property is the Subject of a
Letters are 15/8 inches
Request for Zoning Change
Letters are 15/8 inches
For Information Contact the
Letters are 15/8 inches
Village at 847/381-6000
Letters are 15/8 inches
In the case of property fronting on two (2) or more streets, such sign shall be posted on each street.
Said sign shall be posted not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the public hearing and shall be removed within five (5) days after the conclusion of the public hearing. (Ord. 1160, 5-27-2009)
   C.   Adoption Of Amendment: The Board of Trustees, without further public hearing, may adopt or deny any proposed amendment.
   D.   Tax Payments To Be Current: No petition filed by an owner shall be accepted unless the applicant submits satisfactory evidence that there are no unpaid real estate taxes. (1977 Code § ZR-1-9)