The following terms shall have the stated meanings.
DESTRUCTION: The complete killing of plants, or effectively preventing such plants from maturing to the bloom or flower stage.
LANDOWNER: One who owns or controls land within the Village, including the Village itself.
NOXIOUS WEEDS: The following plant species are defined as "noxious weeds":
Ambrosia artemisiifoli (common ragweed)
Ambrosia trifida (giant ragweed)
Cannabis sativa (marijuana)
Carduus nutans (musk thistle)
Sonchus arvensis (Canada thistle)
Sorghum almum (sorghum-almum)
Sorghum halepense (johnsongrass)
Sorghum spp. (sorghum)
NUISANCE WEEDS: A. The following two (2) species are defined as "nuisance weeds":
Lythrum salicaria (purple loosestrife)
Rosa multiflora (multiflora rose)
   B.   The following species (particularly invasive, or allergen producing species) are also declared "nuisance" weeds:
Certain Arctium spp. (burdock);
Cirsium and Carduus spp. (thistle);
Ambrosia spp. (ragweed); and
Alliaria petiolata (garlic mustard).
PRESERVATION OR RESTORATION AREA: Any lands managed to preserve or restore native Illinois grasses and forbs, native trees, shrubs, wildflowers and aquatic plants; an old field succession of native and nonnative plants, or a combination of these.
TURF GRASS: Grass commonly used in regularly cut lawns or play areas, such as, but not limited to, bluegrass, fescue and ryegrass blends. (Ord. 917, 3-31-2003)