(a)   No person or persons on Reservoir Property and adjacent Village-owned land, any Village operated park or other recreational facility shall:
      (1)   Life preservers. Operate watercraft, regardless of the type of propulsion, without having life jackets, life vests or life buoys or buoyant cushions sufficient to sustain any and all occupants afloat as prescribed by the U.S. Coast Guard, said life preservers bearing the U.S. Coast Guard seal of approval stamped on each such item by the manufacturer thereof. Such safety equipment shall be so placed as to be immediately available to each person aboard such watercraft at all times. Children under ten years of age shall wear approved life vests or jackets at all times when they are in, on or around either privately owned boat docks, rented docks or ships or private or rental boats. Life jackets must be worn by all persons in boats operated on the Reservoir.
      (2)   Age of operators. Operate a boat on the Reservoir under the age of sixteen years without being accompanied by or under the direct supervision of a parent, guardian or responsible adult.
      (3)   Anchors. Operate any watercraft without an anchor or sufficient weight to anchor such craft securely.
      (4)   Restricted areas. Operate or anchor any watercraft in any restricted area on Reservoir waters, said restricted areas to be clearly marked by marker buoys and/or posted signs.
   (b)   Any person violating any provision of the within section shall be deemed guilty of a minor misdemeanor.