(a) The Solicitor shall prepare and approve a succinct summary of all ordinances and resolutions of a general nature, or provide for public improvements, or assess properties, which summary shall contain a notice that as to the locations where the full texts of said ordinances and resolutions may be viewed and copies obtained. Each of said summaries prepared and/or approved by the Solicitor shall be published once a week for two consecutive weeks as required by Ohio R.C. 731.21 and 731.22.
(b) The Clerk of the Village shall publish a summary of all ordinances and resolutions of a general nature, or otherwise required to be published which summary is to be prepared and/or approved by the Solicitor, or alternatively shall publish the full text of same if required by Council. If a summary is published, the Clerk shall post the full text of said ordinance, or otherwise maintain a copy of the full text of said ordinance on public display at the office of the Clerk, with one additional copy being filed and available for public inspection or review at the North Baltimore Public Library. The summary of the ordinance and/or resolution to be published shall contain the following additional notice:
“This is a summary of legislation passed by the Council of the Village of North Baltimore on the day of , , as ordinance/resolution number , the full text of the within legislation may be viewed at the office of the Clerk of the Village, North Baltimore Public Library. Copies of the full text of said legislation may be purchased at the office of the Clerk at $.50 per page.”
(c) The Clerk shall provide a full copy of any ordinance and resolution maintained by said Clerk at the Village Offices to any member of the public on request, and within a reasonable time depending on the length of the ordinance, or ordinances to be copied. The Clerk may collect a fee of up to fifty cents ($.50) per page for said copies duplicated.
(Ord. 97-16. Passed 4-15-97.)