(a)   Permits.
      (1)   A permit shall be required before construction can commence on an individual wind turbine system.
      (2)   As part of the permit process, the applicant shall inquire with the Wood County Planning Commission as to whether or not additional height restrictions are applicable due to the unit's location.
      (3)   Applicant shall then provide the Zoning Inspector with the following items and or information when applying for a permit:
          A.   Location of all public and private utilities in relation to the location of the turbine.
         B.   An engineering report that shows:
            1.   Total size and height of the unit.
            2.   Total size and depth of the unit's concrete mounting pad, as well as soil and bedrock data.
            3.   A list and or depiction of all safety measures that will be on the unit including anti-climb devices, grounding devices and lightning protection.
            4.   Data specifying the kilowatt size and generating capacity of the particular unit.
            5.   The maximum decibel level of the particular unit. This information must be obtained from the manufacturer of the turbine unit.
         C.   A site drawing showing the location of the unit in relation to existing structures on the property, roads and other public right of ways, and neighboring properties.
         D.   Evidence of a "clear fall zone" with manufacturer's recommendation must be attached to the engineering report.
         E.   A maintenance schedule as well as a dismantling plan that outlines how the unit will be taken apart shall be required as part of the permit.
   (b)   Penalties. Violations and penalties shall be addressed according to Section 1107.99 of the Village of North Baltimore Code.