(a)   A system for disposal of storm drainage shall be required in all subdivisions.
   (b)   Where connection to existing public storm drainage facilities is available, as determined by the Village, the storm drainage system of the subdivision shall be connected thereto, and every lot within the subdivision shall be provided with a connection thereto.
   (c)   Where connection to a public storm drainage system is not possible, as determined by the Village, the subdivider shall be required to make such alternate provisions for storm drainage disposal as are approved by the Village or County agency having jurisdiction.
   (d)   Storm sewers shall be a minimum of twelve inches and storm laterals shall be a minimum of eight inches.
   (e)   Each lot in any subdivision shall be so graded as to permit the flow of storm drainage from the entire lot to a public system for disposal.
   (f)   Materials and specifications for the design and construction of storm sewers, lot laterals and drainage facilities as required by this section shall be in conformity with current specifications on file in the office of the Village Engineer.
   (f)   Any subdivision greater than one net acre shall also comply with the provisions of Chapter 1164, Storm Water Facilities.