(a) Frontage. All lots shall abut by their full frontage on a public street. Lots abutting major or secondary streets will have reverse frontage lots.
(b) Minimum Size. Except as modified by applicable zoning regulations, all lots shall meet or exceed the following minimum sizes:
(1) Area. Each lot served by both water and sanitary sewer facilities shall have a minimum area of 8750 square feet. If either or both water and sanitary facilities are not available to the lot, it shall have such minimum area as determined by the County Health District.
(2) Width. Each interior lot shall have an average minimum width of seventy feet at the building line. Each corner lot shall have a minimum width of eighty feet as measured across the least width of the lot at the building line.
(3) Depth. Each lot shall have a minimum depth of 125 feet. Lots backing on a major street shall have a minimum depth of 150 feet. A ten foot easement shall be required at the rear lot line of such lots, and vehicular access shall not be permitted across such easement.
(c) Shape.
(1) All lots shall be as nearly rectangular as practicable. Irregular or odd-shaped lots will be permitted only when unavoidable and then only when sufficiently large to permit reasonable construction and occupancy of permitted structures.
(2) The average depth of a lot shall be not greater than three times its average width.
(3) Triangular lots shall not be permitted.
(d) Lot Lines.
(1) Side lot lines shall be approximately perpendicular to the street line or radial to a curved street line.
(2) Curved side or rear lot lines shall not be permitted.
(e) Setbacks. Except as modified by applicable zoning regulations, the minimum building setback line on residential lots shall be thirty feet measured from the street right of way.
(f) Corner Lots. Corner lots shall be designed with due regard to setbacks and side yard limitations to allow reasonable construction and occupancy of permitted structures.
(g) Double Frontage. Double frontage lots other than corner lots or lots backing on a major street shall not be permitted.