(a)   The Planning Commission shall make plans and maps of the whole or any portion of the Village, and of any land outside of said Village, which, in the opinion of the Commission bears some relation to the planning of the Village, and to make changes in such plans or maps when it deems same advisable. Such maps or plans shall show the Commission’s recommendations for the general location, character, and extent of streets, alleys, ways, viaducts, bridges, waterways, subways, boulevards, parkways, parks, playgrounds, and other public grounds, ways, and open spaces; the general location of public buildings and other public property; the general location and extent of public utilities and terminals, whether publicly or privately owned or operated, for water, light, sanitation, transportation, communication, power, and other purposes; and the removal, relocation, widening, narrowing, vacating, abandonment, change of, use of, or extension of such public ways, grounds, open spaces, buildings, property, utilities, or terminals. With a view to the systematic planning of the Village, the Commission may make recommendations to public officials concerning the general location, character, and extent of any of said public ways, grounds, open spaces, buildings, property, utilities, or terminals. As the work of making the whole plan progresses, the Commission may from time to time adopt and publish a part or parts thereof, and such part to cover one or more of the aforesaid or other functional matters to be included in the plan. The Commission may from time to time amend, extend, or add to the plan. Nothing herein contained shall be held to confer any powers on the Planning Commission with respect to the construction, maintenance, use, or enlargement of improvements by any public utility or railroad on its own property, if said public utility be owned or operated by an individual, partnership, association, or a corporation for profit.
   (b)   The Commission shall have the power to control, preserve, and care for historical landmarks; to control, in the manner provided by ordinance, the design and location of statutory and other works of art, which are, or may become the property of the Village; the removal, relocation, and alteration of any such works belonging to the Village; and the design of bridges, viaducts, street fixtures, and other public structures and appurtenances.
   (c)   Whenever the Commission shall have made a plan of the Village or any portion thereof, no public building or structure, street, boulevard, parkway, park, playgrounds, public ground, bridge, viaduct, tunnel, or other public way, ground, or works or utility, whether publicly or privately owned, or part thereof shall be constructed or authorized to be constructed in the Village, until and unless the location, character, and extent thereof shall be approved by the Commission; provided that, in case of disapproval, the Commission shall communicate its reasons for such disapproval to the Council and the department head of the department which has control of the construction of the proposed improvement or utility; and Council, by a vote of not less than two-thirds of its members and such department head, shall together have the power to overrule such disapproval; provided further, however, that if the public way, ground, works, building, structure, or other utility be one the authorization or financing of which does not, under the law or code provisions governing same, fall within the province of the Village Council, or other municipal body or official, then the submission to the Planning Commission shall be by the state, school, county, district or township official, board, commission, or body having such jurisdiction, and the Planning Commission’s disapproval may be overruled by such official or by such board, commission, or body, by a vote of not less than two-thirds of its membership. The narrowing, ornamentation, vacation, or change in the use of streets and other public grounds, ways, and places shall be subject to similar approval, and disapproval may be similarly overruled. The Commission may make recommendations to any public authorities or to any corporation or individuals in such Village or the territory contiguous thereto concerning the location of any buildings, structures, or works to be erected or constructed by them.