(a) General. Every building shall have a front, side, and rear yard unless otherwise specifically stated in this Zoning Code. The areas of such yards shall be as specified for the district within which the building is located. No yard or other open space provided for any building for the purpose of complying with the provisions of this Zoning Code shall be considered as a yard or open space for any other building, and no yard or other open space of a building on a zoning lot shall be considered as a yard or open space for a building on any other zoning lot.
(b) Front Yards,
(1) When fifty percent (50%) or more of the frontage on one side of the street between two intersecting streets in a residential area is improved with buildings that have front yards of greater or less depth than the required front yard in the district no building shall project beyond the average front yard so established; provided, however, that a front yard depth shall not be required to exceed fifty percent (50%) in excess of the front yard otherwise required in the district in which the lot is located.
(2) Service station pump islands may be located within a required yard, provided they are not less than fifteen feet from any street right-of-way line and not less than twenty-five feet from the boundary of any residential district. Pump island canopies may be located within a required yard provided they are no closer than ten feet to any property line and at least fourteen feet in height.
(3) In the B-3 District, canopy structures shall be permitted to overhang the street right-of-way not more than sixty percent (60%) of the distance between the street right-of- way line and the curb line and must have a minimum vertical height of nine feet above sidewalk grade.