When, in the opinion of the Village Administrator or his authorized representative, there exists the necessity to conserve the Village public water supply because of low water conditions, drought, failure of equipment, inadequacy or failure of storage facilities or for any other reason, the Village Administrator or his authorized representative, with the consent of the Mayor may order a limitation or ban on certain types of water usage. In the absence of the Mayor, the President of Council may consent to the limitation or ban. In the absence of both the Mayor and the President of Council, the Chairperson of the Public Utilities Committee or any other available member of Council may consent. The order may include limitations or a ban on the use of water for outdoor sprinkling or watering, washing of vehicles, washing of clothes, showering, the filling of swimming or wading pools, or the use of water from the public water supply for any recreational use, commercial use, or industrial use not essential to the health or safety of the citizens of North Baltimore.
Limitations or ban on water usage shall be announced through all available means, including local newspapers, radio stations, and local television channels as soon as possible after a determination to impose a limitation or ban on water usage is declared. At a minimum, the notice shall be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the Village within 48 hours of the imposition of the limitation or ban.
The failure to publish the limitation or ban or the failure of any person to receive information from a public media source concerning the limitation or ban shall not prevent the enforcement of these sections of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of North Baltimore, against any person or business entity found violating any limitations or bans imposed pursuant to this Chapter.
(1) Any person or business entity found violating the ordered limitations or bans on water usage shall be given a notice, verbally or in writing, to stop the prohibited use and further shall be given a notice of all of the limitations or bans on water usage then in effect. Notice may be given verbally or in writing by any Village employee, Village Administrator or his authorized representative or by any Police Officer.
(2) No person or business shall continue to use water in violation of any limitations or bans on usage then in effect after receiving notice as prescribed in subsection (c)(1) hereof.
(Ord. 97-20. Passed 3-9-97.)