No person except an employee of the North Baltimore Water Department will be permitted to tap or make any connection with the mains or distributing lines of the Village of North Baltimore.
   (1)   All taps less than one inch in size will be provided by the Village. The Water Department will furnish the tap-in saddle, corporation cock, curb cock, curb cock box and copper tubing from corporation cock to curb cock and 5/8" meter for an as specified cost as defined in the Water Department Rate Schedule.
   (2)   All taps larger than one inch are required to be performed by a contractor retained by the customer in accordance with specifications provided by the Water Department and subject to the department’s final approval before burying.
   (3)   For customers using one inch taps or less, as between the Village and the Customer, the Village is exclusively responsible for the maintenance and repair of that portion of the service connection line located from the main line to the curb, box and the customer is exclusively responsible for the maintenance and repair of that portion of the service connection line located on the customer/property owner’s side of the curb cock box.
   (4)   As between the Customer and the Village, customers using taps greater than one inch in size are exclusively responsible for maintenance and repair of the entire service connection line starting at the connection to the main line.
   (5)   All consumers shall maintain their plumbing and fixtures in good working order in accordance with reasonable plumbing practices and procedures.
   (6)   Crossing of any public or private right-of-way is not included in the aforementioned costs and shall be borne by the property owner/petitioner on a time and materials basis. (Ord. 07-21. Passed 8-7-07.)
All new water lines with a diameter larger than two inches (2”) must be disinfected, bacteriologically tested, and pressure tested before they can be connected to any existing water lines.
New water lines must be disinfected in accordance with the most current edition of the American Water Works Association Standard C651 for disinfecting water mains. Water lines must be flushed after disinfection before bacterial testing can take place. Flush lines must be copper due to the fact that when bacteria samples are collected heat must be used.
(Ord. 97-20 . Passed 6-3-97.)
The Village Water Department will sample the first test on a new water line free of charge, if notified at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance, Monday through Wednesday, between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. This first test includes two samples. If both samples fail and additional testing is deemed necessary, the Village Water Department will sample additional tests at an established fee as identified in the Water Department Rate Schedule.
New water lines must receive bacteriological approval before the line can be pressure tested. For domestic lines greater than two inches (2") the Water Department Superintendent must be notified at least twenty-four (24) hours before the line may be pressure tested. Water lines must hold a pressure of one hundred twenty-five (125) pounds for at least two (2) hours. This test must be witnessed by an inspector assigned by the Village Water Department. All fire lines will be pressure tested in accordance with NFPA requirements and such test will be accomplished in the presence of a designated representative of the County. (Ord. 07-21. Passed 8-7-07.)
   (g)   METER BOXES.
Where water mains are in streets, the service line will be extended from the main to a meter box.
Any service between the main and the curb cock which is broken or damaged by anyone other than an employee of the Water Department while performing work at these connections, shall be exposed by trenching at cost of the property owner. Repairs will be made by the Water Department at the expense of the property owner. (Ord. 97-20. Passed 6-3-97.)
In roughing in a plumbing job, a space which is designated as a “meter loop” must be provided, same to be of proper dimensions for inserting the meter to be used. Meters not located in pits or basements shall not be located over wood floors unless the property owner assumes full liability for damages to the floor through leakage or sweating. A written waiver of responsibility addressed to the Village Administrator or his authorized representative must be received by the Village Clerk before such installation is completed. A stop, either gate or curb stop, must be provided by the owner inside the meter loop. (Ord. 07-21. Passed 8-7-07.)
No person, firm, or corporation shall establish or permit to be established or maintain or permit to be maintained any connection whereby a private, auxiliary or emergency water supply other than the regular public water supply of North Baltimore may enter the supply or distributing system of said municipality, unless such private, auxiliary or emergency water supply and the method of connection have been approved in writing by the Water Superintendent of North Baltimore and by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency. (Ord. 97-20. Passed 6-3-97.)
Approved backflow prevention devices shall be provided in accordance with Section 913.08 of the Village Codified Ordinances. (Ord. 07-21. Passed 8-7-07.)
No person, except an authorized employee of the Water Department, shall be permitted to open or close curb stops or gate valves. Exception shall be plumbers authorized by the Village Administrator or his authorized representative while making repairs to service systems.
Penalty for violation of this regulation is defined in the Water Department Rate Schedule in addition to any other legal penalties as applicable.
(Ord. 97-20. Passed 6-3-97; Ord. 07-21. Passed 8-7-07.)
The Water Superintendent of North Baltimore is hereby authorized and directed to discontinue, after reasonable notice to the occupant thereof, the water service to any property wherein a connection in violation of the provisions of this chapter is known to exist, and to take such other precautionary measures as may be deemed appropriate to eliminate any danger or contamination of the public water supply distribution mains. Water service to such property shall not be restored until such conditions have been eliminated or corrected in compliance with the provisions herein contained.