The regulations hereinafter set forth shall be considered a part of the contract with every person, firm, company or corporation that is supplied with water through the Water Department of the Village of North Baltimore, Ohio, and every such person, firm, company or corporation taking water shall be considered to have expressed his or their consent to be governed thereby.
The supply of water to all parties for any purpose whatsoever is subject to the following conditions: The Village does NOT guarantee to the consumer a fixed or continuous pressure, quality or temperature, these all being subject to the variable conditions which may arise in the operations and maintenance of the Water Department.
In case of breaks in mains, services, pumping machinery, reservoirs or other Water Department equipment, and for the purpose of tapping, extending, repairing, replacing or cleaning mains, the water may be shut off without giving notice, and no claims will be considered for damage of any nature whatsoever arising from such actions. Under ordinary conditions, consumers will be notified.
The Village reserves the right, through its authorized agents, to enter, at all reasonable hours, the premises to which its service extends for the purpose of reading, repairing, installing, removing or inspecting meters, or for any other purposes which the Village may deem necessary in properly safeguarding the interest of the Village and the consumer. When such access is refused, the water shall be immediately turned off and not turned on again until the request of the Village has been satisfied. An “Off and On" charge as described in the Water Department Rate Schedule will be imposed for service within or outside the Village.
Refer to: Contract for Water & Sewer Services - Form #913.005
Terminology contained in these regulations is an integral part of these Rules and Regulations.
   The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and enforcement of these Rules and Regulations:
   (1)   AIR GAP SEPARATION - The unobstructed vertical distance through the free atmosphere between the lowest opening from any pipe or faucet supply water to a tank, plumbing fixture, or other device and the flood level rim of the receptacle.
   (2)   APPROVED - When in connection with back-flow prevention means that a backflow prevention device or method has been accepted by the OEPA as suitable for the proposed use.
(3)   AUXILIARY WATER SYSTEM - Any water system on or available to the premises other than the Village water system and includes the water supplied by the system. These auxiliary waters may include water from another purveyor’s public water system; or water from a source such as wells, lakes, streams, cisterns, or process fluids; or constitute a water source or system over which the Village does not have control.
   (4)   BACKFLOW - The flow of water or other liquids, mixtures, or substances into the distributing pipes of a potable water supply from any other source other than the intended source of the potable water supply.
(5)   BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE - Any device, method or type of construction intended to prevent backflow into a potable water system.
(6)   COMBINATION LINES - Those water line extensions constructed on private property both for the purpose of fire fighting and domestic water supply.
(7)   COMMERCIAL CUSTOMER - Any business engaged in retail, wholesale, personal services: , repair services, or any other activity which does not involve the mass production or manufacture of a commodity on premises.
(8)   CONSUMER - The owner or person in control of any premises supplied by or in any way connected to the Village water system.
(9)   CONSUMER’S WATER SYSTEM - Any water system, located on the consumer’s premises, supplied by or in any manner connected to the Village water system. A household plumbing system is considered to be a consumer’s water system.
(10)   CONTAMINATION - An impairment of the quality of the water by sewage, process fluids or waste to a degree which could create an actual hazard to the public health through poisoning or through spread of disease by exposure.
(11)   CROSS-CONNECTION - Any arrangement whereby the Village’s potable water can come into contact with any substance foreign to that water.
(12)   DEGREE OF HAZARD - A term derived from an evaluation of the potential risk to health and the adverse effect upon the potable water system.
(13)   DOUBLE CHECK DETECTOR CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY - An assembly composed of two single, independently acting, check valves including tightly closing shutoff valves located at each end of the assembly and suitable connection for testing the water-tightness of each check valve, and an approved by-pass meter installed for detection of low flows.
(14)   HEALTH HAZARD - Any condition, device, or practice in a water system or its operations that creates or may create a danger to the health and well being of users. The word “severe” as used to qualify “health hazard” means a hazard to the health of the user that could reasonably be expected to result in death.
(15)   INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMER - Any business engaged in manufacturing, processing or fabrication of products to be wholesaled or retailed off site.
(16)   INTERCHANGEABLE CONNECTION - An arrangement or device that will allow alternate but not simultaneous use of two sources of water.
      (Ord. 97-20. Passed 6-3-97.)
(17)   LARGE APARTMENT COMPLEX - A large apartment complex is considered to be a building or complex consisting of more than four units or dwellings served by a single connection with the Village public water supply.
      (Ord. 00-14. Passed 5-2-00.)
(18)   NON-POTABLE WATER - Water not safe for drinking, personal or culinary use.
(19)   OEPA - Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.
(20)   OFFICE - Water department office.
(21)   PLANT - Water Treatment Plant.
(22)   POLLUTION - The presence in water of any foreign substance that tends to degrade its quality so as to constitute a hazard or impair its usefulness or quality of the water to a degree which does not create an actual hazard to the public health but which does adversely and unreasonably affect such waters for domestic use.
(23)   POLLUTION HAZARD - A condition through which an aesthetically objectionable or degrading material not dangerous to health may enter the Village water system or a potable consumer’s water system.
   (24)   POTABLE WATER - Water which is satisfactory for drinking, culinary and domestic purposes and meets the requirements of the OEPA.
(25)   PROCESS FLUIDS - Any fluid or solution which may be chemically, biologically or otherwise contaminated or polluted in a form or concentrations such as would constitute a health, pollutional, or system hazard if introduced into the Village or potable consumer’s water system. This includes, but is not limited to: polluted or contaminated waters; process waters; used waters originating from the Village water system which may have deteriorated in sanitary quality; cooling waters;
contaminated natural waters taken from wells, cisterns, lakes, streams, or irrigation systems; chemicals in solution or suspension; oils, gases, acids, alkalis, and other liquid and gaseous fluids used in industrial or other processes, or for fire fighting purposes.
   (26)   PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM - Any publicly or privately owned potable water system subject to section 6111.13 of the Ohio Revised Code.
   (27)   REDUCED PRESSURE PRINCIPLE BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE - A device containing a minimum of two independently acting check valves together with an automatically operated pressure differential relief valve located between the two check valves.
   (28)   RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER - Personal homes or buildings used for human habitat.
   (29)   SERVICE CONNECTION - The terminal end of a service line from the Village water system. If a meter is installed at the end of the service, then the service connection means the downstream end of the meter.
   (30)   STANDBY FIRE SERVICE LINES - Those water line extensions constructed on private property for the sole purpose of fire fighting.
   (31)   SYSTEM HAZARD - A condition posing an actual or potential threat of damage to the physical properties of the Village water system or a potable consumer’s water system.
   (32)   USED WATER - Water supplied by a water purveyor from a public water system to a consumer’s water system after it has passed through the service connections and is no longer under the control of the water purveyor.
   (33)   VILLAGE - The Village of North Baltimore, Ohio.
   (34)   WATER DEPARTMENT - The personnel and physical assets under the direction of the Village Administrator or his authorized representative tasked with supplying and maintaining the publicly owned Village water system.
   (35)   WATER DEPARTMENT SUPERINTENDENT - The individual tasked with the administrative and operational supervision of the water department for the Village.
   (36)   WATER PURVEYOR - The owner or operator of a public water system.
(Ord. 92-20. Passed 6-3-97.)
      (37)   WATER SERVICES - The providing of potable water by the Village of North Baltimore to any consumer regardless of ownership of the physical service lines or distribution system. (Ord 07-21. Passed 8-7-07.)