(a) It shall be the duty of any property owner owning or occupying property bordering on a right of way upon which property there may be trees or shrubs, to prune or cause to be pruned such trees or shrubs in a manner so that they will not shade or obstruct street lights, street signs, or obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic on any sidewalk or street.
(b) It shall be the duty of any person owing or occupying property bordering on a right of way upon which property there are any tree(s) or shrub(s) which are designated by the Tree Commission as dead, dying, diseased, or hazardous and which are deemed a menace to the health, safety, and welfare of the people of North Baltimore, to remove or cause to be removed said tree(s) and/or shrub(s).
(c) In either of the above situations, the Village Administrator shall send a written notice to the property owner indicating the required action (pruning or removal) to be taken. A period of thirty (30) days from receipt the notice shall be permitted for the property owner to complete the indicated action. If the Mayor or the Administrator determines that the tree or shrub presents an immediate danger to the public safety the notice shall state with specificity the danger presented and the action required to eliminate it. If the notice contains such a specification and should the property owner or occupant fail to comply, it shall be unlawful for the Mayor, Administrator or their agent to enter upon the property and complete the pruning or removal. The Village shall bill the property owner or occupant for the actual cost of the work. If payment is not made within thirty (30) days the Clerk shall certify the charges to the County Auditor to be assessed on the property taxes. (Ord. 02-29. Passed 6-4-02.)