(a)   Before any person shall be granted a permit to open or break into the pavement of any street, public way, or public grounds, there shall first be deposited with the Village Clerk by the applicant for such permit a surety bond posted by a surety or bonding company approved by the Village Clerk in a minimum sum to be determined by the Village Administrator or his authorized representative.
   (b)   The amount of said bond shall be based upon the Village Administrator’s or his authorized representative’s estimate of the cost of restoring the public right-of-way to the condition it was in prior to undertaking the proposed work. The Village Administrator or his authorized representative shall add twenty percent (20%) to his estimates do cover contingencies. The person applying for the permit may post cash in lieu of a surety. The surety bond or cash amount posted shall be conditioned to secure and hold the Village harmless against any and all damages arising from the opening or excavation so made, and further conditioned that the applicant shall fill up and place in good and safe condition, to the satisfaction of the Village Administrator or his authorized representative, all openings and excavations so made, and shall replace or repair the pavement or ground.
   (c)   Contractors who routinely undertake work in the public right-of-ways in the Village for private property owners may post an annual surety bond in the minimum amount of three thousand dollars ($3,000), which bond shall remain in effect for one year and which surety shall be conditioned as set forth above as to all openings and excavations made in the streets, public ways, and public places by the principal contractor to such bond during the one year term of said bond. (Ord. 96-06. Passed 4-2-96.)