(A) The tax imposed by this subchapter shall be evidenced by the use of a tax stamp and shall be paid by each dealer or other person liable for the tax. The stamps shall be affixed in such a manner that their removal will require continued application of water or steam. Each dealer or other person liable for the tax is hereby required, and it shall be his duty, to collect, pay the tax and report on a monthly basis all packages of cigarettes on forms prescribed for this purpose by the Board, including the following:
(1) The quantity of CBRCTB-stamped cigarettes sold or delivered to:
(a) Each registered agent appointed by the Board for which no tax was collected;
(b) Each manufacturer's representative; and
(c) Each separate person and place of business during the preceding calendar or fiscal month; and
(2) The quantity of CBRCTB stamps on hand, both affixed and unaffixed on the first and the last day of the preceding calendar month and the quantity of CBRCTB stamps or CBRCTB stamped cigarettes received during the preceding calendar month; and
(3) The quantity of cigarettes on hand to which the CBRCTB stamp had not been affixed on the first and last day of the preceding calendar or fiscal month and the quantity of cigarettes received during the preceding calendar or fiscal month to which the CBRCTB stamp had not been affixed; and
(4) Such further information as the Administrator for the Board may require for the proper administration and enforcement of this subchapter for the determination of the exact number of cigarettes in the possession of each dealer or user.
(B) Each dealer or other person liable for the tax shall file such reports with the Board and pay the tax due to the Board prior to the monthly due date to be established by the Board and shall furnish copies of all cigarette tax reports submitted to the Virginia Department of Taxation.
(C) When, upon examination and audit of any invoices, records, books, cancelled checks or other memoranda touching on the purchase, sale, receipt, storage or possession of tobacco products taxed herein, any dealer or other person liable for the tax is unable to furnish evidence to the Board of sufficient tax payments and stamp purchases to cover cigarettes which were sold, used, stored, received, purchased or possessed by such person, the prima facie presumption shall arise that such cigarettes were received, sold, used, stored, purchased or possessed by such person without the proper tax having been paid. The Board shall, from the results of such examination and audit based upon such direct or indirect information available, assess the tax due, impose a penalty of 10% and may impose interest of ¾% per month of the gross tax due.
(D) When any dealer or other person liable for the tax files a false or fraudulent report or fails to file a report or fails to perform any act or performs any act to evade payment of the tax, the Board shall administratively assess the tax due and impose a penalty not to exceed 50% of the tax due and interest of ¾% per month of the gross tax due.
(E) The dealer or other person liable for the tax shall be notified by certified mail of such deficiency and such tax, penalty and interest assessed shall be due and payable within ten days after notice of such deficiency has been issued. Every dealer or other person liable for the tax shall examine each package of cigarettes to ensure that the CBRCTB stamp has been affixed thereto prior to offering them for sale.
(F) Any dealer or other person liable for the tax who shall receive cigarettes not bearing the CBRCTB stamp shall, within receipt of such cigarettes, commence and with all reasonable diligence continue to affix the CBRCTB stamp to each and every package of cigarettes until all unstamped packages of cigarettes have been stamped and before offering such cigarettes for sale. Any dealer or other person liable for the tax who has notified the Board that he is engaged in interstate or intrastate business shall be permitted to set aside such part of his stock as may be legally kept for the conduct of such interstate or intrastate business (that is, cigarettes held for sale outside the jurisdiction of the Board) without affixing the stamps required by this subchapter. Any such interstate or intrastate stock shall be kept entirely separate and apart from the CBRCTB-stamped stock, in such a manner as to prevent the commingling of the interstate or intrastate stock with the CBRCTB stock. Any dealer or other person liable for the tax found to have had untaxed cigarettes which have been lost, whether by negligence, theft or any other unaccountable loss, shall be liable for and shall pay the tax due thereon.
(G) It shall also be the duty of each dealer or other person liable for the tax to maintain and keep for a period of three years, not including the current calendar year, records of all cigarettes received, sold, stored, possessed, transferred or handled by such person in any manner whatsoever, whether the same were stamped or unstamped, to make all such records available for audit, inspection and examination at all reasonable times, as well as the means, facilities and opportunity for making such audit, inspection or examination upon demand of the Board.
(Ord. passed 4-12-2022)