The following signs are not required to have a sign permit:
   (A)   Minor signs for non-commercial use;
   (B)   Signs erected by or on behalf of or pursuant to the authorization of a governmental body, including legal notices, identification and informational signs, traffic, directional, or regulatory signs;
   (C)   Official signs required by federal or state regulation;
   (D)   Flags of the United States and other nations, the Commonwealth of Virginia, Northampton County and other political subdivisions of the United States and of bona fide civic, charitable, fraternal and welfare organizations. All such flags shall be mounted in a permanent fashion with no more than two flags on a single pole. No more than three flag poles are permitted on any single lot or parcel. Flags shall be maintained in good repair and shall not constitute a hazard to vehicular or pedestrian traffic;
   (E)   Directional on premise signage which does not exceed four square feet in size and six feet in height;
   (F)   Signs displayed on a truck, bus, trailer or other licensed vehicle while in use in the normal conduct of business. Any such vehicle or trailer shall, without limitation, be considered to be used for the primary purpose of advertising if it fails to display current license plates or inspection sticker, if inoperable, if evidence of paid-to-date local taxes cannot be made available, or if the sign alters the standard design of such vehicle or trailer;
   (G)   Historical markers identifying properties or structures which have been recognized as historically significant on National, State, or local registries, or in policy documents adopted by the Board of Supervisors. Historical markers shall be allowed a maximum height of eight feet, and shall not exceed four square feet in area;
   (H)   Temporary signs as follows:
      (1)   On premise real estate advertising signs;
         (a)   On premise signs advertising the sale, lease, or rental of property shall be limited to one sign per agency per lot per street frontage or frontage on navigable waterway;
         (b)   Signs shall not exceed four square feet in size and a maximum of four feet in height except for agricultural, commercial and industrial zoning districts in which signs shall not exceed 32 square feet in size and a maximum of ten feet in height;
         (c)   The height of all signs shall be measured from ground level to the top of the sign structure; and
         (d)   Such signs shall be removed within one week of sale or lease of the lot or premises upon which such sign is situated;
      (2)   Off-premise real estate signs advertising the sale, lease, or rental of property shall be allowed in conjunction with a bona fide "open house" showing and shall not be erected for more than three days in any seven day period;
      (3)   One sign, no more than 12 square feet in area, located on property where a building permit is active;
      (4)   Not more than five minor commercial use signs per parcel; and
      (5)   Not more than three feather signs for commercial use per parcel. Feather signs shall be limited to 15 feet in height;
   (I)   Political campaign signs.
      (1)   Such signs shall not be located within public rights-of-way or attached to public utility structures and shall be limited to freestanding signs not more than 16 square feet in area; except in agricultural, commercial and industrial zoning districts, which shall not exceed 32 square feet in area; and
      (2)   All such signs shall be removed within seven days following the election, primary, or other event to which they were related; and
   (J)   Event signs.
      (1)   Such signs shall not be located within public rights-of-way or attached to public utility structures and shall be limited to freestanding signs not more than 16 square feet in area; except in agricultural, commercial and industrial zoning districts, which shall not exceed 32 square feet in area.
      (2)   Event signs, including flags, indicating an event to be located on property where the event such as a grand opening, fair, carnival, festival, seasonal sale of local products, yard sale or other event is to take place may be erected no more than 30 days prior to the event.
      (3)   All temporary event signs shall be removed within seven days following the sale or other event to which they were related.
(Ord. passed 4-12-2016; Am. Ord. 2016-09, passed 10- -2016; Am. Ord. passed 3-12-2024)