(A) Pursuant to IC 36-9-12-7, the Noblesville Parking Meter Fund is hereby created. All fees collected from paid parking technology shall be deposited with the municipal fiscal officer. The fees shall be deposited to the credit of the municipality in a special fund called the "Noblesville Parking Meter Fund." Disbursements from the Noblesville Parking Meter Fund may be made only on orders of the Board of Public Works & Safety for the purposes listed in division(B).
(B) Disbursements from the Noblesville Parking Meter Fund may be made only to pay:
(1) The purchase price, rental fees, and cost of installation of paid parking technology for paid parking spaces;
(2) The cost of maintenance, operation, and repair of paid parking technology;
(3) Incidental costs and expenses in the operation of paid parking technology, including the cost of clerks and bookkeeping;
(4) The cost of traffic signal devices used in the municipality;
(5) The cost of repairing and maintaining any of the public ways, curbs, and sidewalks where paid parking technology is in use, and all public ways connected with it in the municipality;
(6) The cost of acquiring, by lease or purchase, suitable land for off-street parking facilities to be operated or leased by the municipality;
(7) The principal and interest on bonds issued to acquire parking facilities and devices;
(8) The cost of improving and maintaining land for parking purposes and purchasing, installing, and maintaining paid parking technology on that land;
(9) The cost of providing approved school crossing protective facilities, including the costs of purchase, maintenance, operation, repair, and all other incidental costs; and
(10) The cost of maintenance and operation of a municipally-owned park where paid parking technology is located.
(C) Money deposited in the Noblesville Parking Meter Fund may be expended only upon a specific appropriation by the Common Council in the same manner that it appropriates other public money. The Board of Public Works & Safety shall prepare an itemized estimate of the money necessary for the operation of paid parking meter technology for the ensuing year at the same time of making and filing budget estimates for other departments of the municipality.
(Ord. 67-09-21, passed 9-28-21)
When signs are erected giving notice thereof, a person shall park a vehicle at the locations in accordance with the times and costs as specified in Chapter 78, Schedule XIV, as from time to time amended by resolution duly adopted by the Board of Public Works & Safety and made a part of this traffic code. Failure to pay the costs shall constitute a violation of this section.
(Ord. 67-09-21, passed 9-28-21)