The following requirements shall apply to all permanent signs within the City of Noblesville’s Planning jurisdiction. Refer to "Article 8 - Zoning Districts" (§§ 159.105 et seq.) for sign regulations specific to the Corporate Campus Planned Development District and the West Gateway Planned Development District.
(A) Home Occupation (Residential Zone Districts).
(1) Permit required: No.
(2) Type of sign permitted: Wall sign.
(3) Number: One wall sign shall be permitted.
(4) Maximum sign area: One square foot.
(5) Maximum ground sign height: N/A.
(6) Location: Attached flat against the wall of the residence.
(7) Permitted materials: Any.
(8) Illumination: Non-illuminated.
(9) Landscaping: N/A.
(10) Alternate signage: N/A.
(B) Single-Family, Two-Family or Multi-Family Subdivisions.
(1) Permit required: Yes.
(2) Type of sign permitted: Ground sign.
(3) Number: One ground sign shall be permitted at each entrance to a recorded, platted residential subdivision.
(4) Maximum sign area: 32 square feet.
(5) Maximum ground sign height: Six feet.
(6) Location: Shall be a minimum of ten feet from the street right-of-way and a minimum of ten feet from the leading edge of the driveway.
(7) Permitted materials: The sign materials shall be constructed of materials which blend with the residential character of the neighborhood including but not limited to wood, metal, or masonry.
(8) Illumination: Halo-lit or externally lit.
(9) Landscaping: An area equal to three times the area of the sign face shall be required for base landscaping around a ground sign. The landscape area will radiate out a minimum of five feet from the base of the sign shall be provided and shall be planted in such a way to substantially cover the area with landscape materials such as, but not limited to annuals, ground covers, perennials, shrubs, and ornamental trees. A mixture of plant types is required.
(10) Alternate signage:
(a) Neighborhood signs - masonry pillars marking the entrance into an individual neighborhood within a larger subdivision. There may be either a single pillar or a pillar on either side of the street at the entrance to the smaller neighborhood. The masonry pillar may not exceed five feet in height, shall have a sign face not exceeding four square feet in size. Any lighting must be external, and the lighting must be directed narrowly at the sign face, and may not shine onto any adjacent property or rights-of-way.
(b) The sign located along a thoroughfare road may include a signature monument that does not exceed a height of 12 feet. The signature monument shall be designed to enhance the identity of the community. All features on the signature monument above six feet in height shall be only architectural elements of the signature monument and shall not include any identification, description, display, or illustration of the sign.
(C) Institutional Uses.
(1) Permit required: Yes.
(2) Type of sign permitted: Ground sign and wall sign.
(3) Number: One wall sign on the primary building per street frontage. One ground sign per street frontage for lots with a minimum of 100 feet in width and the building or structure shall be setback a minimum of 35 feet from the adjacent street right-of-way.
(4) Maximum sign area.
(a) Ground sign: 32 square feet.
(b) Wall sign shall not exceed 20% of the signable wall area, unless windows, doors, awnings and other architectural details make up more than 50% of the building face in which the sign size may increase to 40% of the signable area.
(5) Maximum ground sign height: Six feet.
(6) Location: Shall be a minimum of ten feet from the street right-of-way and a minimum of ten feet from the leading edge of the driveway. The sign shall be separated from another ground sign located on the same side of the right-of-way, a minimum distance of 100 linear feet.
(7) Permitted Materials.
(a) Ground sign shall be constructed of materials that blend with the character of the building such as but not limited to wood, metal, or masonry.
(b) Wall sign requires individually mounted channel letters constructed of materials such as wood or metal.
(8) Illumination: Halo-lit or externally lit.
(9) Landscaping: An area equal to three times the area of the sign face shall be required for base landscaping around a ground sign. The landscape area will radiate out a minimum of five feet from the base of the sign shall be provided and shall be planted in such a way to substantially cover the area with landscape materials such as, but not limited to annuals, ground covers, perennials, shrubs, and ornamental trees. A mixture of plant types is required.
(10) Alternate signage: A maximum of 30% of the total ground sign area may be used for changeable copy.
(D) Single-Tenant Building or Property, Externally Accessed Multi-Tenant Building or Property (individual accesses and not part of an integrated Development).
(1) Permit required: Yes.
(2) Type of sign permitted: Ground sign, wall sign, suspended porch sign, placard sign.
(3) Number and Type.
(a) Single-Tenant Building. One sign per street frontage. One ground sign for lots having a minimum width of 100 feet and a minimum building setback of 35 feet from the adjacent street right-of-way or one wall sign. For structures that were formerly residential structures that have been converted to a business and are located in the "Central Core Map" illustrated in Appendix G of the Unified Development Ordinance; the owner may choose to install a suspended porch sign or a placard sign in lieu of a wall sign. The owner may transfer a permitted sign from one building elevation to another; however, no elevation is permitted two or more of the same sign types on the same frontage.
(b) Externally Accessed Multi-Tenant Building (individual accesses). One wall sign per tenant per street or one ground sign per each street frontage for lots having a minimum width of 100 feet and a minimum building setback of 35 feet from the adjacent street right-of-way with signage space for each tenants provided equally.
(4) Maximum Sign Area.
(a) Ground sign: 45 square feet.
(b) Wall sign shall not exceed 20% of the signable wall area, unless windows, doors, awnings and other architectural details make up more than 50% of the building face in which the sign size may increase to 40% of the signable area.
(c) Suspended Porch Sign: 16 square feet.
(d) Placard Sign: 16 square feet.
(5) Maximum ground sign height: 5 feet.
(6) Location: Shall be a minimum of ten feet from the street right-of-way and a minimum of ten feet from the leading edge of the driveway. The sign shall be separated from another ground sign located on the same side of the right-of-way, a minimum distance of 100 linear feet.
(7) Permitted Materials.
(a) Ground Sign. The sign shall be constructed of materials that blend with the character of the building such as but not limited to wood, metal, or masonry. The copy shall be individually mounted channel letters, sandblasted, or etched for the single tenant buildings. Multi-tenant buildings may have tenant identification as panel inserts of wood, plastic, or other similar materials constructed of a single background color for all tenant panels. If a building name is used on the sign, the copy shall be individually mounted channel letters, sandblasted, or etched.
(b) Wall sign requires individually mounted channel letters constructed of materials such as wood, plastic, or metal.
(c) Suspended Porch Sign. The sign shall be constructed of materials that blend with the character of the building such as but not limited to wood or metal.
(d) Placard Sign. The sign shall be constructed of materials that blend with the character of the building such as but not limited to wood or metal.
(8) Illumination: Halo-lit, internally or externally lit.
(9) Landscaping: An area equal to three times the area of the sign face shall be required for base landscaping around a ground sign. The landscape area will radiate out a minimum of five feet from the base of the sign, shall be provided and shall be planted in such a way to substantially cover the area with landscape materials such as, but not limited to, annuals, ground covers, perennials, shrubs, and ornamental trees. A mixture of plant types is required.
(10) Alternate signage: Awning or canopy signage may be used in lieu of wall signage. Signage shall be a maximum of 20% of the awning/canopy area. A projecting sign may be used in lieu of wall signage not exceeding 15 square feet in area. A maximum of 30% of the total ground sign area may be used for changeable copy.
(E) Internally Accessed Multi-Tenant Building.
(1) Permit required: Yes.
(2) Type of sign permitted: Ground sign and wall sign.
(3) Number and type: One wall sign per street frontage identifying the building and one ground sign per street frontage for lots with a minimum of 100 feet in width and a building setback of a minimum of 35 feet from the adjacent street right-of-way.
(4) Maximum Sign Area.
(a) Ground sign: See table.
(b) Wall sign shall not exceed 20% of the signable wall area, unless windows, doors, awnings and other architectural details make up more than 50% of the building face in which the sign size may increase to 40% of the signable area.
(5) Maximum ground sign height: See table.
(6) Location: Shall be a minimum of ten feet from the street right-of-way and a minimum of ten feet from the leading edge of the driveway. The sign shall be separated from another ground sign located on the same side of the right-of-way, a minimum distance of 100 linear feet.
(7) Permitted Materials.
(a) Ground Sign. The sign shall be constructed of materials that blend with the character of the building such as but not limited to wood, metal, or masonry. The copy shall be individually mounted channel letters, sandblasted, or etched for the identifying building name. Tenant identification may be panel inserts of plastic, wood, or other similar materials, constructed of a single background color and limited to one color for all copy. Logos are excluded from the color requirement.
(b) Wall sign requires individually mounted channel letters constructed of materials such as wood, plastic, or metal.
(8) Illumination: Halo-lit, internally or externally lit.
(9) Landscaping: An area equal to three times the area of the sign face shall be required for base landscaping around a ground sign. The landscape area will radiate out a minimum of five feet from the base of the sign shall be provided and shall be planted in such a way to substantially cover the area with landscape materials such as, but not limited to annuals, ground covers, perennials, shrubs, and ornamental trees. A mixture of plant types is required.
(10) Alternate signage: A maximum of 30% of the total sign area may be used for changeable copy.
(F) Integrated Development.
(1) Permit required: Yes (permits required for individual panel inserts in designation sign).
(2) Type of sign permitted: Designation sign and wall sign.
(3) Number and Type.
(a) One designation sign permitted per each street frontage external to the development including a minimum of 300 feet of frontage and an established building setback of a minimum of 60 feet.
(b) Single-Tenant Building, Externally Accessed Multi-Tenant Building (individual accesses). One wall sign per street frontage per tenant. The owner may transfer a permitted sign from one building elevation to another; however, no elevation is permitted two wall signs on the same frontage.
(c) Internally Accessed Multi-Tenant Building. One wall sign identifying the building per public/private street frontage. The owner may transfer a permitted sign from one building elevation to another; however, no elevation is permitted two wall signs on the same frontage.
(4) Maximum Sign Area.
(a) Designation sign: See table.
(b) Wall sign shall not exceed 20% of the signable wall area, unless windows, doors, awnings and other architectural details make up more than 50% of the building face in which the sign size may increase to 40% of the signable area.
(5) Maximum designation sign height: See table.
(6) Location: Shall be a minimum of ten feet from the street right-of-way and a minimum of ten feet from the leading edge of the driveway. The sign shall be separated from another designation sign a minimum of 300 feet on the same street frontage. Designation signs that have been split into two signs shall be separated a minimum of 700 feet including another development’s designation sign.
(7) Permitted Materials.
(a) Designation Sign. The sign shall be constructed of materials that blend with the character of the building such as but not limited to wood, metal, or masonry. Panel inserts within the designation sign, displaying tenant names may be constructed of plastic. A single color for the background panel inserts must be maintained for the entire sign. The development name and the City of Noblesville’s name shall be individually mounted channel letters, sandblasted, or etched.
(b) Wall sign requires individually mounted channel letters constructed of materials such as wood, plastic, or metal.
(8) Illumination: Halo-lit, internally or externally lit.
(9) Landscaping: An area equal to three times the area of the sign face shall be required for base landscaping around a ground sign. The landscape area will radiate out a minimum of five feet from the base of the sign, shall be provided and shall be planted in such a way to substantially cover the area with landscape materials such as, but not limited to, annuals, ground covers, perennials, shrubs, and ornamental trees. A mixture of plant types is required.
(10) Alternate signage: Awning or canopy signage may be used in lieu of wall signage. An awning/canopy sign is permitted a maximum of 20% of the signable area. Sites with more than two multi-tenant buildings may be permitted one directory sign per street frontage per building.
(G) Downtown Noblesville. This section applies to real estate located within the Downtown Zoning District as per the Zoning Map.
(1) Permit required: Yes. An encroachment permit is also required for projecting, awning, canopy, marquee, blade, and sandwich board signs, if encroaching over or into the right-of-way.
(2) Type of sign permitted: Wall, projecting, awning, canopy, marquee, blade, window and sandwich board signs.
(3) Number and Type.
(a) Single-Tenant Building.
(1) One wall, projecting, awning, canopy, window or marquee sign per street frontage or public parking lot and/or one blade sign per street frontage.
(2) One sandwich board sign.
(b) Multi-Tenant, Multi-Level Building.
(1) Ground Floor Tenant.
A. One wall, projecting, awning, canopy, window, or marquee sign per street frontage.
B. One blade sign per street frontage.
C. One sandwich board sign.
(2) Tenant Above the Ground Floor.
A. One blade sign at the ground floor entrance and/or one window sign in window above ground floor.
B. One wall sign per tenant located above the windows on the top floor and the below the roof line of the building.
1. All signage for tenants above the ground floor shall be grouped within the same one-third (1/3) of the area available above the windows on the top floor and below the roof line of the building.
2. Design of the sign(s) shall use consistent sign types, colors, and materials.
3. Such sign(s) shall be centered vertically in the area the sign is installed.
4. The owner of the building shall show locations for other possible future tenant signs upon submittal of the first sign permit.
(4) Maximum Sign Area.
(a) Awning sign: 20% of awning area.
(b) Canopy sign: 20% of canopy area.
(c) Marquee sign: 20% of signable wall area with a maximum of 200 square feet.
(d) Blade sign: Four square feet.
(e) Projecting sign: 15 square feet.
(f) Sandwich board: Six square feet. Two feet in width and three feet in height.
(g) Wall sign: Sign shall not exceed 20% of the signable wall area, unless windows, doors, awnings and other architectural details make up more than 50% of the building face in which the sign size may increase to 40% of the signable area.
(h) Window sign:
1. Ground floor tenants: 15% of the total window area.
2. Second floor and above tenants: 20% of the total window area on floor in which the use is located. For the tenant having an entrance to the use on the street/alley facade, a sign is permitted on the door not to exceed 20% of the total window area of the door.
(5) Maximum sandwich board sign height: Three feet.
(6) Location: Sign shall not obscure significant architectural features of the building.
(a) Awning sign: May extend to within one foot of the vertical plane of the curb and must maintain a minimum clearance of eight feet above the public right of way.
(b) Canopy sign: May extend to within one foot of the vertical plane of the curb and must maintain a minimum clearance of eight feet above the public right of way.
(c) Marquee sign: May extend to within one foot of the vertical plane of the curb and must maintain a minimum clearance of eight feet above the public right of way.
(d) Blade sign: Permitted at ground floor locations. May extend to within one foot of the vertical plane of the curb and must maintain a minimum clearance of eight feet above the public right of way.
(e) Projecting sign: Must maintain a minimum clearance of eight feet above the public right-of-way and may extend to within one foot of the vertical plane of the street curb. Must maintain a separation of at least 30 feet from another projecting sign.
(f) Sandwich board: Refer to City Code Chapter 94 and the “sandwich board” section of this subchapter.
(g) Wall sign. An activity on the first floor shall not construct the wall sign above the window sill of the second story. A wall sign may not exceed two-thirds of the distance between the top of the lower window and the sill of the upper window.
(h) Window sign: 15% of the total window area and are considered secondary signs.
(7) Permitted Materials.
(a) Awning sign: Canvas or cloth, no reflective or glossy materials or illuminated plastic.
(b) Canopy sign: Canvas or cloth, no reflective or glossy materials or illuminated plastic.
(c) Marquee sign: N/A.
(d) Blade sign: Wood or metal (matching architectural features of building).
(e) Projecting sign: Wood or metal (matching architectural features of building).
(f) Sandwich board: Wood, chalkboard, or finished metal.
(g) Wall sign: Wood, metal, or mural (matching architectural features of building).
(h) Window sign: Vinyl, gold leaf, or substantially similar materials.
(8) Illumination: Halo-lit or externally lit.
(9) Landscaping: N/A.
(10) Alternate signage: A directory wall sign.
(Ord. 23-4-07, passed 5-15-07; Am. Ord. 56-11-07, passed 12-11-07; Am. Ord. 10-3-09, passed 4-14-09; Am. Ord. 17-5-09, passed 6-9-09; Am. Ord. 41-9-09, passed 10-13-09; Am. Ord. 25-7-10, passed 8-24-10; Am. Ord. 31-9-10, passed 9-28-10; Am. Ord. 12-2-11, passed 3-15-11; Am. Ord. 10-03-13, passed 4-9-13; Am. Ord. 24-07-13, passed 8-13-13; Am. Ord. 13-02-14, passed 3-11-14; Am. Ord. 17-04-14, passed 5-13-14; Am. Ord. 37-08-14, passed 9-9-14; Am. Ord. 25-07-17, passed 8-15-17; Am. Ord. 32-07-19, passed 7-23-19)