The city offers life, dental, optical, and medical insurance programs for employees in full-time positions. Each employee shall receive insurance handbooks describing all benefits upon completion of his or her orientation interview. Group insurance benefits will continue while an employee is on disability leave; however, when in a non-pay status, employees will be responsible for the timely payment of those insurance premiums that are normally deducted from gross pay. Specific details regarding eligibility and coverage are available in the Human Resources office.
(Ord. 57-08-05, passed 8-23-05; Am. Ord. 87-10-06, passed 10-24-06; Am. Ord. 12-2-07, passed 2-16- 07; Am. Ord. 70-12-07, passed 12-16-07; Am. Ord. 57-12-09, passed 12-15-09; Am. Ord. 9-2-11, passed 2-8-11; Am. Ord. 08-01-14, passed 2-11-14; Am. Ord. 11-02-15, passed 2-10-15; Am. Ord. 42-10-17, passed 10-24-17; Am. Ord. 25-06-19, passed 6-11-19)