7.0   Site Design
   All other applicable City design standards and ordinances shall be observed during the design of parking lots utilizing pervious concrete.
   In areas where the proposed pavement is on grade or is adjacent to a concrete approach that exits onto City right-of-way, the designer and constructor shall use and install an impervious membrane, such as visquene, to separate the aggregate base courses to prevent subsurface drainage from flowing to areas other than the subgrade directly under the area of pervious concrete. This type of separation is discussed in the publications referenced in these standards.
   Curbs shall be provided as per the Unified Development Ordinance. The presence of curbs provides lateral support for the pavement structure and to control parking drainage and traffic patterns.
   All pervious pavements shall be constructed with a six inch diameter underdrain that has a positive outlet to an existing public drainage facility. The underdrain for the proposed pavement shall be designed in a manner consistent with the City of Noblesville's typical details for street underdrains.
   Pervious concrete pavements shall be designed to store a maximum depth of six inches of ponded water on-site in the event of failure or frozen conditions. The depressed area may be designed to permit the discharge of water off-site when six inches of runoff is stored in the parking area. This provision shall be observed to provide the owner to maintain or rehabilitate pervious pavement detention systems that fail or do not operate as intended.
   The City of Noblesville may develop standard drawings to supplement or clarify the criteria outlined in these written standards.