   (A)   In computing any period of time prescribed or allowed by these rules, by order of the court, or by any applicable statute, the day of the act, event, or default from which the designated period of time begins to run shall not be included. The last day of the period so computed is to be included unless it is:
      (1)   A Saturday;
      (2)   A Sunday;
      (3)   A legal holiday as defined by state statute; or
      (4)   A day the office in which the act is to be done is closed during regular business hours.
   (B)   In any event, the period runs until the end of the next day that is not a Saturday, a Sunday, a legal holiday, or a day on which the office is closed. When the period of time allowed is less than seven days, intermediate Saturdays, Sundays, legal holidays, and days on which the office is closed shall be excluded from the computations.
(Trial Rule 6(A))
   This code, from and after its effective date, shall contain all of the provisions of a general nature pertaining to the subjects herein enumerated and embraced. All prior ordinances pertaining to the subjects treated by this code shall be deemed repealed from and after the effective date of this code.
   All ordinances of a temporary or special nature and all other ordinances pertaining to subjects not embraced in this code shall remain in full force and effect unless herein repealed expressly or by necessary implication.