Any and all motor vehicles utilizing a parking space in a city parking lot or parking garage shall utilize such space by "head-in" parking only, which is where the vehicle is parked with the front of the motor vehicle closest to any parking wheel stop, if any, and facing away from the parking lot traffic lane. Parking by backing into parking spaces or any other form of parking other than "head-in" is prohibited.
(Ord. 39-09-19, passed 10-15-19; Am. Ord. 67-09-21, passed 9-28-21)
The Board of Public Works & Safety is hereby authorized by resolution duly adopted to determine the location of loading zones and shall have placed and maintained appropriate signs indicating the same and stating the hours during which the provisions of this section are applicable.
(Ord. 65-7-89, passed 8-14-89; Am. Ord. 67-09-21, passed 9-28-21)
(A) No person shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle for any purpose or length of time other than for the expeditious unloading and delivery or pick-up and loading of property in any place described in Chapter 78, Schedule X as from time to time amended by resolution duly adopted by the Board of Public Works & Safety and marked as a loading zone during hours when the provisions applicable to such zones are in effect. In no case shall the stop for loading and unloading of materials exceed 30 minutes.
(B) The driver of a vehicle may stop temporarily at a loading zone for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading passengers when such stopping does not interfere with any vehicle which is waiting to enter or about to enter such zone to load or unload property.
(Ord. 65-7-89, passed 8-14-89; Am. Ord. 67-09-21, passed 9-28-21) Penalty, see § 70.99
The Board of Public Works & Safety is hereby authorized by resolution duly adopted and required to establish bus stops, bus stands, taxicab stands, and stands for other passenger common carrier motor vehicles on such public streets in such places and in such number as it shall determine to be of the greatest benefit and convenience to the public. Every such bus stop, bus stand, taxicab stand, or other stand shall be designated by appropriate signs as designated in Chapter 78, Schedule X as from time to time amended by resolution duly adopted by the Board of Public Works & Safety.
(Ord. 65-7-89, passed 8-14-89; Am. Ord. 67-09-21, passed 9-28-21)
No person shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle other than a bus in a bus stop or other than a taxicab in a taxicab stand when such stop or stand has been officially designated and appropriately signed, except that the driver of a passenger vehicle may temporarily stop therein for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading passengers when such stopping does not interfere with any bus or taxicab waiting to enter or about to enter such zone.
(Ord. 65-7-89, passed 8-14-89; Am. Ord. 67-09-21, passed 9-28-21) Penalty, see § 70.99
(A) The Board of Public Works & Safety is hereby authorized to establish parking spaces for people with physical disabilities within the public rights-of-way, parking lots, and parking garages owned, operated, or controlled by the city, now or hereafter, as required by law. Designation of a parking space for people with physical disabilities shall conform to any applicable state or federal standard governing such a space and shall be made with appropriate paintings and/or signs which shall conform to the Uniform Traffic Code relating to such signage.
(B) No person shall cause to be parked within a designated parking place for a person with physical disabilities in any public or private right-of-way, parking lot, parking garage, or parking facility a vehicle which is not occupied or driven by a person who is disabled as that term is defined by the state and who has an appropriate license, permit, or other device issued by the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles confirming such designation. A person parked in a designated parking place for a disabled person shall display the following:
(1) A parking placard for a person with a physical disability issued under IC 9-14-5 (before its repeal) or IC 9-18.5-8.
(2) A disabled veteran's registration plate issued under IC 9-18-18 (before its expiration) or IC 9-18.5-5 or a modified Purple Heart license plate under IC 9-18-19-1(b) (before its expiration) or IC 9-18.5-6-1(b).
(3) A registration plate or decal for a person with a physical disability issued under IC 9-18-22 (before its expiration) or IC 9-18.5-8.
(C) A motor vehicle displaying an unexpired parking permit for a person with a physical disability, an unexpired disabled veteran's registration plate, or an unexpired registration plate or decal for a person with a physical disability issued under the laws of another state may only stand or park in a space reserved for a person with a physical disability when the vehicle is being used to transport a person with a physical disability.
(D) Notwithstanding the provisions of division (B), any disabled person shall be entitled to use a parking space for people with physical disabilities as it has been so designated by the Board of Public Works and Safety. Should such an individual receive a ticket for improper parking as hereinafter provided, proof of their physical disability shall be deemed an absolute defense upon presentation of a letter or other document from a physician attesting to their disabled condition.
(Ord. 36-9-92, passed 9-15-92; Am. Ord. 67-09-21, passed 9-28-21) Penalty, see § 70.99
Editor’s note:
IC 9-18 expired 12-31-2016 by P.L. 198-2016, Sec. 262
The provisions of this subchapter prohibiting the standing or parking of a vehicle shall apply at all times or at those times herein specified or as indicated on official signs except when it is necessary to stop a vehicle to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or official traffic-control device.
(Ord. 65-7-89, passed 8-14-89; Am. Ord. 67-09-21, passed 9-28-21)
When signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall park a vehicle at any time upon any of the streets described in Chapter 78, Schedule V as from time to time amended by resolution of the Board of Public Works & Safety, attached to and made part of this traffic code.
(Ord. 65-7-89, passed 8-14-89; Am. Ord. 67-09-21, passed 9-28-21) Penalty, see § 70.99