§ 159.187 SCREENING.
   (A)   Standards. Standards for screening shall be established below. When the following standards differ from standards otherwise outlined by this chapter, the most restrictive standard shall apply.
   (B)   Applicability. This section shall apply to the following:
      (1)   Trash Receptacle Enclosures. All trash receptacles shall be completely screened by a wall on three sides matching the materials, colors, and architecture of the principal building located on the parcel. The fourth side shall consist of a metal gate or other similar materials completely hiding the trash receptacle. The enclosure must measure a minimum of six feet in height or two feet above the height of the trash receptacle, whichever is greater. Trash receptacle enclosures shall not be located in front of any building, adjacent to a collector, arterial, or expressway, or adjacent to any residential use.
         (a)   Landscaping is required on three sides of the enclosure and shall include evergreen understory trees at three feet on center or evergreen canopy trees five feet on center, and a minimum height of six feet.
      (2)   Service/Material Yard and Storage Areas. All service yards shall be completely screened by a fence, split faced block wall, continuous evergreen screen, or combination of the three. The screen must measure a minimum of seven feet in height. All non-vegetative screen methods shall as closely as possible match the architecture of the building which the service yard is serving.
         (a)   Landscaping shall include evergreen understory trees at three feet on center or evergreen canopy trees five feet on center, and a minimum height of seven feet.
      (3)   Display Areas. All display areas which front on a public or private street shall be required to plant three deciduous trees per 100 linear feet of frontage of display area onto the public or private street or any fraction thereof.
      (4)   Heating and Cooling Facilities. Ground mounted heating and cooling units for non-residential and multi-family structures shall be completely screened.
(Ord. 64-11-08, passed 12-9-08; Am. Ord. 25-7-10, passed 8-24-10; Am. Ord. 32-10-11, passed 11-15-11; Am. Ord. 53-10-15, passed 11-10-15)