(A)   The office of Building Inspector is hereby established, which shall be headed by the Building Inspector and shall have such other personnel as may from time to time be authorized by Council.
   (B)   The Building Inspector shall be appointed or designated by the Mayor, and he or she shall have the powers and perform the duties prescribed for him or her or for his or her office by the codified ordinances or other ordinances, resolutions or orders of Council, and as prescribed by the State Code for municipal officers charged with the administration and enforcement of building, plumbing, gas, electrical and other technical codes which municipalities are authorized to adopt pursuant to W. Va. Code 8-11-4.
   (C)   The Building Inspector may delegate powers to and require performance of duties by such deputies, assistants and other personnel as may from time to time be assigned or detailed to his or her office by the Mayor or Council.
(Prior Code, § 1705.01)