(A)   Fees. Fees for the use of facilities shall be set from time to time by Council and/or the Mayor. All fees must be paid in advance of facility usage.
   (B)   Reservations. Any person having paid the appropriate fee(s) for reservation of a facility has sole right of usage of that facility during time stated in reservation. No person shall interfere with this right; provided, that the city may cancel such reservation for a justifiable reason. In such case, all fees paid by the person placing the reservation shall be refunded to them.
   (C)   Cancellations. Any person wishing to cancel a reservation must do so a minimum of 48 hours in advance of the starting time of the reservation. Failure to do so will result in the forfeiture of all fees paid and/or owed to the city for such reservation.
(Prior Code, § 927.06) (Ord. 84-1, passed 1-24-1984)