(A)   Manner of storage in containers. All garbage, after all free liquids have been drained therefrom, shall be wrapped in paper and placed and stored in closed containers. All rubbish shall be drained of liquid before being deposited for collection. All cans and bottles which have contained food shall be cleaned and washed before being deposited for collection.
   (B)   Duty to provide and maintain refuse containers. Refuse containers shall be provided, by the owner, tenant, lessee or occupant of the premises on which the material to be disposed of originates. Refuse containers shall be maintained in good condition. The Director shall have the authority to refuse collection services for failure to comply herewith.
   (C)   Garbage containers. Garbage containers shall be made of metal or other suitable material equipped with suitable handles and tight-fitting covers and shall be waterproof and watertight.
   (D)   Curbside pickup required. Any refuse for collection shall be put in plastic garbage bags and placed at the refuse collection site, curbside or alley, as appropriate, on the day designated by the city for collection.
   (E)   Unauthorized accumulations. Any accumulation of refuse contrary to any provision of this chapter on any premises is hereby declared to be a nuisance and is prohibited.
   (F)   Time limit on accumulations. No person shall suffer or permit any garbage to accumulate and remain on the premises in containers, or otherwise, longer than a period of one week in any event.
   (G)   Time restrictions for setting-out garbage, trash, and other materials for collection.
      (1)   All residential garbage, trash and yard waste collections will be normally made between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on the designated collection day. Refuse containers, refuse bags, garbage can liners, bulky waste, recycling containers, and/or yard waste containers shall be set out at the refuse collection site, curbside or alley, as appropriate, on the designated collection day before 6:00 a.m. and no earlier than 4:00 p.m. of the day preceding the regular collection day.
      (2)   Refuse containers, garbage cans, recycling containers and/or yard waste containers shall be removed from the refuse collection site no later than 8:00 p.m. on the day of the regular collection. The occupant of the property shall promptly clean up and remove any scattered solid waste, rejected items, recyclable material and/or yard waste from the property before 9:00 p.m. on the day of the scheduled date of regular collection.
   (H)   Special pick-up. Any resident of the city may call the Department of Public Works for a special pick-up of garbage or refuse; provided, that the special pick-up shall be subject to the fees stated in § 50.25.
(Prior Code, § 923.11) (Ord. 12-5, passed 9-18-2012) Penalty, see § 10.99