(A)   Liability of owner. The owner of the vacant structure shall be liable to the city for said vacant structure registration fees imposed pursuant to this subchapter. Multiple owners of a vacant structure shall be jointly and severally liable for the vacant structure registration fees assessed and imposed pursuant to this subchapter.
   (B)   Remedies of city. For the purpose of collecting delinquent vacant structure registration fees assessed pursuant to this subchapter, the city may impose the following remedies.
      (1)   Lieu against real property. The city shall have a lien upon the property on which a vacant structure is situated, any improvements thereon and any appurtenances thereunto belonging, and upon the interest of the owner therein, to secure the payment of any fees due, owing or imposed under this subchapter. The city may file a lien with the Clerk of the county in which the property is located, against such property and provide notice of the city’s lien as provided for by state law.
      (2)   A civil action. The city may bring a civil action in the Circuit Court of the county in which the property is located to:
         (a)   Enforce payment and collection of delinquent vacant structure registration fees assessed pursuant to this subchapter; and/or
         (b)   Seek the judicially ordered sale of the property to satisfy its lien.
   (C)   Vacant structure registration account. The city shall deposit all vacant structure registration fees collected pursuant to this subchapter into a separate account titled Vacant Structure Registration Fund. The city shall use such funds to: improve public safety efforts, including for police and fire personnel; monitor and administer this subchapter; and repair, close or demolish a vacant structure as authorized by W. Va. Code 8-12-16.
(Ord. 13-2, passed 4-16-2013; Ord. passed 3-19-2019)