§ 52.001 PURPOSE.
   (A)   Metra is committed to ensuring that all job opportunities are based solely on individual merit and qualifications. Employees and applicants for employment shall not be denied employment or advancement opportunities because of their status as a family or household member of another employee. However, the relatives of employees must not receive any preferential treatment in the employment process. Relatives must follow the same employment procedures as other candidates and will only be considered if they meet the job qualifications of the position for which they are applying, or when being considered for promotion, reclassification and the like. Relatives must not be hired, promoted or transferred to a permanent position or department where they would be the immediate supervisor or receive direct supervision from a related person, unless the circumstances are extenuating, and approval is secured from the Executive Director and the Board.
   (B)   Examples of such circumstances are: the requirement for a special or unique skill that the relative has acquired, lack of other available or appropriate supervisory personnel, union labor agreements that guarantee job placements based upon seniority and other extraordinary situations.
   (C)   In such cases, the Executive Director will re-assign the reporting relationship and the Human Resources Department will monitor all employment actions involving these employees in order to avoid favoritism or the appearance of same.
   (D)   No relatives of the Board of Directors, Executive Director or any employee that has received the level of Senior Director and above will be hired without the consent of the Executive Director and the Board.
(Ord. NIRC 10-02, passed 9-17-2010)