(A)   Upon receipt of a written, signed and notarized complaint alleging that the Executive Director or a Board member violated this chapter, any other Board member(s) may direct the General Counsel to appoint counsel to investigate and report on the alleged violation to the Board in executive session for consideration. The investigating counsel shall determine if, based upon the evidence, there is probable cause that a violation has occurred.
   (B)   If prosecution is warranted and/or an internal disciplinary process should be initiated after reviewing the report, the Board shall direct the general counsel to:
      (a)   Contact the attorney general or the state’s attorney for prosecution;
      (b)   If necessary, appoint special counsel to prosecute the manner judicially; and/or
      (c)   Appoint special counsel to recommend to the Board the appropriate procedure to handle the matter internally.
(Ord. NIRC 04-01, passed 5-11-2004)