(a) The Chief of Police, all full time police officers and all part-time police officers shall receive a clothing allowance that is approved by Council from time to time.
(b) Any policeman purchasing clothing under the direction and approval of the Chief of Police under the clothing allowance provisions of this section shall present the original invoice for the clothing purchased to the Clerk-Treasurer for payment directly to the clothing supplier. Payment shall be direct. No reimbursement shall be permitted.
(c) The clothing allowance shall be an annual allotment and there shall be no carryover of the annual allowance or any remaining portion thereof to succeeding years.
(d) Said clothing allowance shall be used and receipt for the same presented to the Clerk-Treasurer on or before December 31 of each and every year for the year’s clothing allowance.
(Ord. 739. Passed 12-8-97.)