Signs are defined as to design and contents as follows:
   (a)   Content of Signs.  Signs are herein classified according to contents and use as follows:
      (1)   “Nameplate” means a  sign indicating the name, address and/or profession of the person or persons occupying the zoning lot.
      (2)   “Bulletin Board” means an announcement sign directing attention and located on the lot of a public or semi-public institution.
      (3)   “Real Estate and Development” means a sign directing attention to the promotion, development, rental, sale or lease of property on which it is located, or a sign indicating the name, owner, or manager of a development.
      (4)   “Business” means a sign which directs attention to the name of the business or establishment, the goods or commodities sold and/or services rendered on the zoning lot on which the sign is located.
      (5)   “Service and Industrial” means a sign directing attention to the name of a service or industrial establishment, goods produced or sold, or service rendered on the zoning lot on which the sign is located.
      (6)   “General Advertising” means a sign directing attention to a business, product, service or entertainment conducted, sold or offered elsewhere than upon the same lot on which the sign is located.
      (7)   “Directional” means a sign indicating the direction to which attention is called either on the same or another lot.
      (8)   “Political” means a sign advocating action on a public issue or candidate for public office.
   (b)   Design of Signs.  Signs are herein classified and defined according to design, as follows:
      (1)   “Flat or Wall” means a sign erected parallel to, or painted on the surface, or integral with the wall of any building.
      (2)   “Projecting” means a sign erected on the outside wall of a building and which projects out at an angle therefrom.
      (3)   “Marquee” means a sign attached to the soffit or fascia of a marquee, roof over a walk, or permanent awning.
      (4)   “Pole and Ground” means a sign erected on a pole, poles or posts and which is wholly independent of any building for support.
      (5)   “Temporary” means a sign applying to a seasonal or other brief activity constructed of cloth, paper or fabric of any kind with or without a frame.
         (Ord. 474.  Passed 8-27-73.)