(a)   Intent.  A projection is that part or feature of a building which extends outside of the enclosing walls and makes the enclosed space more  usable. It is intended that certain features may project into required yards but they shall be regulated as herein set forth so that they will not substantially interfere with the reception of sun, light and air on adjacent lots.
   (b)   Types of Projecting Features.  The following definitions shall apply to the terms used in the sections:
      (1)   “Architectural Feature” means a belt course, balcony, bay window, cornice, chimney or solid overhang.
      (2)   “Entrance Feature” means a platform, landing, steps, terrace or other features not extending above the first floor level of a building.
      (3)   “Outside Stairs” means a fire escape or enclosed stairway and landing leading to the second floor of a converted building.
      (4)   “Shelters, enclosed” means an enclosed entry or porch.
      (5)   “Shelters, unenclosed” means an entrance hood or open but roofed porch.
      (6)   “Shading Device, solid” means a metal or plastic, louvered or solid awning.
      (7)   “Shading Device, open” means a trellis, louvers and similar horizontal shading device having more than 75 percent of the surface open.
   (c)   Projection Limitations.  Building features may project into required front and side yards of a dwelling, but shall not project more, and the distance to a side lot line (vertical projection) shall be not less, than set forth in the following schedule:
      (1)   Projecting Feature--architectural features: Maximum projection into front yard (ft.) - 4;  side yard (ft.) - 3; Minimum distance from side lot line (ft.) - 3; Minimum distance from side lot line shall be increased 2" for each foot the feature exceeds 10' in width.
      (2)   Projecting Feature--entrance features:  Maximum projection into front yard (ft.) - 8;  side yard (ft.) - 3; Minimum distance from side lot line (ft.) - 2;
      (3)   Projecting Feature--outside stairs: Maximum projection into front yard (ft.) - None;  side yard (ft.) - 4; Minimum distance from side lot line (ft.) - 3; Approval by Commission required.
      (4)   Projecting Feature--shelters enclosed: Maximum projection into front yard (ft.) - 5; side yard (ft.) - None; Minimum distance from side lot line (ft.) - None; Maximum projection shall be decreased 6" for each foot the feature exceeds 10' in width.
      (5)   Projecting Feature--Shelters, unenclosed: Maximum projection into  front yard (ft.) - 8; side yard (ft.) - 3; Minimum distance from side lot line (ft.) - 3; Minimum distance from side yard shall be increased 2" for each foot the shelter exceeds 10' in width
      (6)   Projecting Feature--Shading device, solid:  Maximum projection into front yard (ft.) - 4; side yard (ft.) - 3; Minimum distance from side lot line (ft.) - 3; Minimum distance from side lot line shall be increased 2" for each foot the feature exceeds 10' in width.
      (7)   Projecting Feature--Shading device, open: Maximum projection into front yard (ft.) - 12; side yard (ft.) - 10; Minimum distance from side lot line (ft.) - 2. 
(Ord. 474.  Passed 8-27-73.)