In order to encourage greater flexibility in design and more attractive arrangements of buildings and greater utilization of open spaces, yard regulations for multifamily dwellings are hereby established for "single development" and yard regulations for locating several buildings within a "group development".
   The yards of multifamily buildings shall be related to the space within the dwelling units as well as the yards. Buildings shall be arranged so as to assure privacy between adjacent buildings and intersecting wings of buildings, from streets, parking and recreation areas in accordance with the following:
   (a)   Definitions.  The terms in this section are defined as follows:
      (1)   "Single Development" means a development of one multifamily building on one lot coordinated with the surrounding neighborhood and fronting on a public street.
      (2)   "Group Development" means a development of more than one multifamily building on a parcel planned as a unit and coordinated with the surrounding neighborhood.
      (3)   "Main Wall" means any exterior wall of a multifamily building containing the principal windows of a living, dining and/or sleeping room or rooms.
      (4)   “End or Secondary Wall” means any exterior wall of a multifamily building other than a main wall and containing secondary windows required for ventilation and not intended to provide a direct view.
      (5)   "Overlapping Walls" means that portion of the exterior walls which are directly opposing when two buildings, parallel or within 30 degrees of being parallel, face each other across an open yard or court.
   (b)   Front Yard Depth or set back for multifamily buildings in single development or group development, shall be not less than 30 feet measured from the street line or as established otherwise on the Zone Map.
   (c)   Distance between facing and overlapping buildings, or parts thereof, in a group development of multifamily buildings shall vary in direct relation to the length and height of buildings. Such minimum distance shall be determined by the formula:
Minimum Distance =  LA+LB+HA +HB
The elements of the formula are shown on the attached illustrations and defined as follows.
      (1)   "Minimum Distance" means the required minimum horizontal distance between any wall of building "A" and the nearest wall of building "B" or the vertical prolongation of either.
      (2)   “LA” means the total length of building "A" which, for the purposes of the formula, is defined as the maximum length of the portion or portions of any wall or walls of building "A" from which lines drawn perpendicular to the face of such wall or walls will intersect any wall of building "B".
      (3)   "LB", means the total length of building "B" which, for the purposes of the formula, is defined as the maximum length of the portion or portions of any wall or walls of building "B" from which lines drawn perpendicular to the face of such wall or walls will intersect any wall of building "A".
      (4)   "HA", means the height of building "A".
      (5)   "HB", means the height of building "B".
      (6)   "F", means the divisor which is "4". Provided, however the minimum distance between main walls of facing and overlapping buildings shall not be less than 40 feet.
   (d)   Distance in angular arrangements of 30°to 60°, such minimum distances are determined by the formula:
Minimum Distance =  2LB + HA + HB—k
The elements of the formula are as defined above and are shown on the attached illustrations. The term "k" in the formula varies as the sin of 2n where n is the angle from building "B" to building "A" or extensions thereof.
      Where n is:
      30° to 34°- K= 10'
      35° to 39°- K=20'
      40° to 50°- K = 25'
      51° to 55° - K=20'
      56° to 60° - K = 10'
   (e)   Distances between walls of court arrangements.  Such minimum distances shall be determined by applying the formula set forth in subsection (c) above to each set of facing walls. In arrangements of parallel walls with offset sections, the distance between the corresponding parallel walls shall be determined by said formula. The elements of the formula are shown on the attached illustrations.
   (f)   Distance between nonoverlapping walls. Where walls of two buildings do not directly face each other or do not overlap--that is where lines drawn perpendicular from the face of any wall of any one building will not intersect the face of any wall of another building--the minimum horizontal distance between such buildings shall be not less than one-half of the combined height of the two buildings. Such minimum distances shall be determined by the formula:
Minimum Distance= HA+HB
   (g)   Distance between building and boundary lines of a multifamily building, or part thereof, in a single development or group development and any side or rear lot line of the parcel or development area shall vary in direct relation to the length and height of the building. Such minimum distance shall be as determined by the formula:
Minimum Distance = 2 ( LL) + HA
The elements of said formula are shown on the attached illustrations and defined as follows:
      (1)   "Minimum Distance" means the minimum required horizontal distance between any wall of a building and the nearest side or rear lot line, or boundaries of the parcel or development area.
      (2)   "LL", means the maximum length of the side or rear lot which can be intersected by lines drawn perpendicular from the face or faces of any wall or walls of the building.
      (3)   "HA", means the height of the building "A".
      (4)   "F" means the divisor which is "4". Where any multifamily development abuts a one or two-family residential district along any rear property line, the minimum distance from any property line in such districts and any main building shall be not less than two (2) times the height of the main building.
   (h)   Use and design of yards.  The required yards, set forth above shall be landscaped and may be used for pedestrian walks and passive recreation areas. If, however, yards between buildings are used for parking areas, driveways, or playgrounds, the distances between buildings shall be increased by the dimensions of such intermediary facilities. The site shall be designed so that entrances to all buildings shall be located not more than 200 feet from the accessory parking area, the distance to be measured along pedestrian walks.
   (i)   Development plans for multifamily dwellings, shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for their review and recommendation and until found to comply with said provisions and approved by the Planning Commission, building permits shall not be issued.  The attached diagrams indicate the regulations and planning criteria, which shall be used.
   (j)   Use and Design of Yards, as set forth above, may be used for pedestrian walks, recreation areas, parking areas, or driveways; however, accessory buildings or uses shall be located not less than set forth in the following schedule. Yards not occupied by any of the above accessory buildings and uses shall be fully developed with lawns, and other landscape features.
Minimum Distance from Main Building (ft.)
Minimum Distance from
Side or Rear Lot Line
Accessory Building or Use
Main Wall
Secondary Wall
R1-75 & R2F Districts
Driveway or Parking Area
Play Area
A parking area may not be located in a required front yard.  Off-street parking facilities shall be provided not more than 150 feet from the building entrance used by each occupant.  A drive may be located not less than 10 feet from a building in the vicinity of an entrance to the building.
(Ord. 474.  Passed 8-27-73.)