A lot of record which does not comply with the area and/or width of lot regulations of the district in which it is located on the effective date of this Code or any amendment thereto which shall make the lot nonconforming may be used as follows:
(a) If occupied by a dwelling, such dwelling may be maintained, repaired or altered, provided, however, that the building may not be enlarged in floor area unless the depth of front yard, total width of side yards and the rear yard regulations of this Code are complied with.
(b) If vacant, the lot may be used provided that:
(1) No adjoining vacant lot or parcel of land was owned by the same owner on the effective date of this Code
(2) Not owning adjoining land, other vacant land cannot be equitably acquired adjoining the lot; and
(3) All other regulations of this Code, except lot area and lot width regulations, shall be complied with. Lots of less width will be allowed only if such lots do not exceed 10 percent less than required in the district in which said lot is located.
(Ord. 474. Passed 8-27-73.)
(Ord. 474. Passed 8-27-73.)