Land and buildings shall be used in accordance with the lot area regulations, and buildings shall be designed, erected, altered, moved or maintained in accordance with the yard and building height regulations set forth in the following sections.
   (a)   The area of a lot shall be not less than the area in square feet required for each dwelling unit as set forth in the schedule below.
   (b)   The width of a lot shall be not less than the width of lot for the type of dwelling or other building permitted in the district in which the lot is located, as set forth in the schedule below, and shall be measured at the building line. The width of a corner lot shall be increased to conform to yard requirements for such lots.  Each one- and two-family lot shall abut upon a public street for the required width of lot, except that on curved streets, the width of a lot at the front lot line may be less than the required width, provided the lot width at the building line meets the required lot width of the particular district.
   (c)   The percent of lot covered by buildings shall be not less that set forth in the schedule below.
   (d)   The front yard depth of a lot shall be not less than the depth set forth in the schedule below for the type of dwelling or other building permitted in the district in which it is located.
   (e)   Two side yards shall be provided for every dwelling on a lot. Widths of side yards of a lot shall be not less than the respective dimensions, as set forth in the schedule below or supplementary regulations, for a dwelling with attached garage, and for a dwelling with detached garage. In no event will the distance between detached one-family dwellings be less than 15 feet.
   (f)   The rear yard depth of a lot for main buildings shall be not less than the depth set forth in the schedule below, or not less than 30 percent of the depth of the lot, whichever is the lesser, for the district in which it is located. A detached accessory building, or buildings, shall occupy not more than 700 square feet and shall be located in accordance with the yard regulations for such building, or buildings.
   (g)   The height of a main building permitted on a lot shall not exceed the number of stories as set forth in the schedule below or supplementary regulations for the district in which it is located.  The height of permitted accessory buildings shall not exceed one story or 15 feet in height. 
(Ord. 474.  Passed 8-27-73.)