1105.11  MAPS, PLANS, PLATS.
   (a)   “Map” means a drawing showing geographic, topographic or other physical features of the land.
   (b)   “Plan” means a drawing of a proposed design or of work to be performed.
   (c)   “Plat” means a map of a lot, tract or subdivision on which the lines of each element are shown by accurate distances and bearings.
   (d)   “Comprehensive Plan” means the plan and statement of the objectives and recommendations for the general location and extent of future land development, community facilities and street plans for the Municipality, duly adopted or officially accepted.
   (e)   “Development Plan” means a plan showing the location of all buildings, parking areas, vehicular and pedestrian circulation and other activities occurring on the site.
   (f)   “Community Facilities Plan” means the plan which shows the location and extent of existing and planned parks, playgrounds, public land and buildings and other public facilities for the Municipality, duly adopted and officially accepted, separately or as a part of the Comprehensive Plan.
   (g)   “Major Thoroughfare Plan” means a plan showing the general location and extent of existing and planned streets and other transportation facilities for the Municipality, duly adopted  and officially accepted, separately or as a part of the Comprehensive Plan.
   (h)   “Preliminary Plan” means a drawing prepared by a developer which may include explanatory exhibits and texts, submitted to the designated authority for the purpose of study of a proposed development of land, or a preliminary plan of land and buildings of a development area which, if approved by the designated authority, provides the basis for proceeding with the preparation of the final plan of a development or development area.
   (i)   “Final Plan” means the final plan prepared by a developer based upon the approved preliminary plan of a proposed development or development area which consists of detailed drawings, specifications, cost estimates, and agreements for the construction of the site improvements and buildings for the proposed development or development area.
(Ord. 474.  Passed 8-27-73.)