(a)   Residents of the City who desire to be connected to the Police Department emergency terminal system shall pay to the Director of Finance a one-time connection fee in the amount of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per alarm connection. Continued connection to the terminal and routine system checks shall be accomplished at the expense of the City for a quarterly fee of forty-five dollars ($45.00) which shall be billed quarterly in advance.
   (b)   Residents outside the City limits who desire to be connected to the Police Department emergency terminal system shall pay to the Director of Finance a one-time connection fee in the amount of one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00) per alarm connection. Continued connection to the terminal and routine system checks shall be accomplished at the expense of the City for a quarterly fee of ninety dollars ($90.00) which shall be billed quarterly in advance.
(Ord. 91-11. Passed 4-15-91.)
   (c)   The City shall not be responsible for any loss or damages due directly or indirectly to occurrences, or consequences therefrom, which this service is designed to detect or avert; and if the City is found liable for loss or damages due to a failure of service or malfunction of equipment in any respect, its liability shall be limited to fifty dollars ($50.00).
   (d)   Any alarm which falsely summons the Police four or more times in any calendar month, due to malfunction or human error, shall be disconnected from the Department's emergency alarm terminal. After correction of any malfunction or for good cause shown, reconnection may be made upon payment of an additional forty dollar ($40.00) connection fee. Tests and alarms from specially sensitized alarm circuits requested by the Police Department shall not be counted as false alarms.
   (e)   The City will provide such alarm service to those customers who apply and agree to the terms of the standard emergency alarm service agreement, which may be amended by act of Council, a copy of which is incorporated by reference as if fully set out herein.
(Ord. 2866. Passed 10-15-73.)