The following policies are set for the various City services which will be extended into newly annexed areas:
   (a)   Water Extensions. The City shall extend, within a reasonable time period, main lines of a sufficient size along main streets for the purpose of the fire protection and to provide a source for extensions to residences. Extensions from main lines down side streets shall be at individual property owner's discretion and expense. The City shall charge an additional tap-in fee above the normal in-City tap-in fee to help defray the City's cost in extending the main lines. Extensions shall be according to City specifications and subject to reimbursement by subsequent tappers. The City shall provide, at its expense, engineering for extensions.
   (b)   Sewer Extensions. No sanitary sewer extensions will be provided until after the E.P.A. has approved the City's 201 Sewer Plan. All local costs will be assessed to the individual property owner. Sewer taps, for existing structures unless mandated by a higher authority, will be at the property owner's discretion. New structures may be required, at City discretion, to extend sanitary sewers to the property being developed, subject to reimbursement by subsequent tappers.
   (c)   Street Lights. Present in-City policy will apply. Street lights will only be placed on existing City electric poles.
   (d)   Streets. City will maintain existing streets in whatever state of improvement they exist when annexed. Any upgrading of streets is at property owners expense.
   (e)   Residents in new areas would be encouraged to switch to City power, but no one shall be forced to. All new homes will be required to take City power.
   (f)   Police Protection. As soon as an area is accepted officially into the City, the same police protection existing within other areas of the City will be extended.
   (g)   Fire Protection. Same as police protection.
   (h)   Storm Sewers. Except in areas where major storm projects are undertaken by the City, storm sewers will be at residents discretion and expense. The City will maintain existing drainage devices. (Res. 3349. Passed 2-19-79.)
   (i)   Unless otherwise approved by Council the cost of extending any public utility to property seeking annexation into the City shall be at the expense of the property owner. (Ord. 2001-9. Passed 4-2-01.)