Article XI
   At the first regular Council meeting in February 1998, and similarly each five years thereafter, Council shall appoint a commission of seven qualified electors, whom shall hold no other office or appointment in the City at the time of their appointment, to serve as a Charter Review Commission. The seven shall be chosen from a list submitted of available citizens and voted on by a majority vote of Council. The top seven vote getters will be on the Commission. The appointed members shall elect their own chairman. Within four calendar months of the date of their appointment said Commission shall recommend to Council such alterations, revisions, and amendments, if any, to this Charter as in the judgment of a majority of said Commission are desirable. City Council shall submit to the electors all such proposed alterations, revisions, or amendments to be voted on at the next general election. Each said commission shall cease to function on the day of the next general election following its appointment.
(Amended November 2, 1993)