(a) Application. The owner or owners agent shall submit in writing to the Clerk the request for approval to subdivide. The request shall include nine copies of the proposed final plat plan, a completed application, and all appropriate fees. The final plat shall be in the proper plat form and shall contain all the information required as set forth in these Regulations. The Clerk shall arrange and confirm in writing, a suitable time for concept review between the owner and the City Manager. Such concept review shall take place not more than fifteen working days after receipt of the application by the Clerk.
(b) Concept Review. Before the approval of the proposed plat by the appropriate City official, the owner shall discuss with the City Manager the procedure for the adoption of the subdivision plat. The City Manager shall review the proposed final plat for compliance with these Regulations. The City Manager shall also advise the applicant, where appropriate, to discuss the proposed subdivision with those City officials who must eventually approve certain aspects of the subdivision plat coming within their jurisdiction. The concept review is an informal discussion and review made available to the owner. The geographic scope of this review shall include the whole property held in common ownership for which whole or partial subdivision platting is desired by the owner as well as the surrounding property which might reasonably be effected by subdivision of the subject property.
(c) Final Plat Approval by Planning Commission. Where the proposed subdivision results in three, four, or five lots, the City Manager shall forward copies of the proposed final plat, along with any comments or suggestions to each Planning Commission member, at least five working days prior to the next regularly scheduled Commission meeting after concept review. The owner shall be notified by the Clerk of the meeting, at which time the owner shall present the proposed plat and answer any questions which the Commission may have. If a simple majority of the Commission (three members) decides that the proposed final plat meets the objectives of these Regulations, then the plat shall be approved. If a simple majority of the Commission determines the subdivision does not meet the objectives of these Regulations, a written letter stating the Commission's reservations shall be sent to the owner. The plat may be approved by the Commission with whatever conditions it deems necessary to assure compliance with the intent and letter of these Regulations.