(a) Policy. It shall be the policy of Council to permit the extension of water lines and services to users and properties beyond the present corporate limits where feasible through annexation procedures or on a regional basis through contractual arrangements between the City and property owners, or their agents, or between the City and the political subdivision having jurisdiction.
(b) Permits. Persons receiving a permit to extend sewers and water lines shall agree to abide by City ordinance with appended procedures and rules set forth, now and in the future, to protect and regulate the use of sewer and water systems and to comply with regulations of the Ohio Water Pollution Control Board and other governmental agencies having jurisdiction.
(c) Rates. Rate structures, surcharges and costs incidental to engineering and construction shall be computed from actual costs and/or engineering estimates, with consideration given to the investment of the people of the City in existing facilities and administrative costs.
(d) Administration. The City Manager shall be the administrative officer for the purpose of arrangements for contracts, approval of plans, inspection and other duties as agreed to in the contracts.
(Res. 2552. Passed 4-15-68.)