(a) Source of Billing.
(1) The consumption of water in gallons, as recorded by the water meter, will be used to bill the consumer for water service. All water consumption registered on the water meter shall be charged and billed, regardless of whether the water was used or lost through accidental means.
(2) If a meter stops or fails to register properly while in use, the water consumption will be estimated from the record of water consumption during a past period when conditions were similar and meter registration was correct.
(b) Testing.
(1) In the case of a question arising as to the accuracy of the meter the consumer shall request the Utility to test the meter. If the meter is found to be correct within three percent (3%), the Utility reserves the right to charge the consumer fifteen dollars ($15.00) for making such a test, otherwise the expenses of the test shall be borne by the Utility Office.
(2) Any adjustment to be made where a meter inaccuracy in excess of three percent (3%) is found, shall not cover a period of water usage in excess of six months.
(c) Location.
(1) The water meters will be furnished by the Water Department and will be set, removed, or adjusted by employees of this Department only. The location of the meter, and plans for the arrangement of a meter pit must be satisfactory to the Water Department and the plumbing must be so arranged that a meter can be set in place without disturbing any of the building water pipes. Meters will not be permitted in unaccessible places. All installations will have remote readout meters.
(2) On property where there is no basement, the meter may be mounted in the kitchen, utility room or other protected area. The installations of meters, larger than two inches, must be equipped with a back flow prevention device approved by the City of Newton Falls Water Distribution Department.
(d) Position and Care. Meters must be placed and maintained so as to be accessible for reading and service. Passage ways must be opened at all times. If access to a meter is difficult or denied for any reason, water service to the property may be suspended.
(e) Stolen or Damaged. If a meter installed on the premises is stolen, damaged by freezing, fire, or hot water, or is damaged in any way through neglect, the cost of repairs or replacement shall be paid by the property owner. Payment must be made in full before another meter is re-set.
(f) Tampering. Evidence of tampering with the meter in any manner, is sufficient cause to deny water service to the property. In any case where the meter seal or dial glass is broken or where the meter has been disassembled in whole or part, the meter will be replaced and the consumer will be billed for the cost of repair and replacement service.
(Ord. 90-2. Passed 2-5-90.)