§ 158.137 LOCATION.
   (A)   In residential districts.
      (1)   Parking spaces accessory to dwellings shall be located on the same lot as the use served, and may be located in any yard; provided that, there shall be no parking in a front yard, except on established driveways.
      (2)   Parking spaces accessory to other uses may be located on a separate lot; provided, such spaces shall be no more than 300 feet from the use served.
(2011 Code, § 34.0306.12)
   (B)   In commercial and industrial districts. Parking spaces accessory to dwelling uses shall be located the same as required in residential districts. Spaces accessory to other uses may be located in any yard; provided, they shall not encroach upon any area required by district regulations to be maintained as open, landscaped area. Spaces accessory to other than dwelling uses may be located on a separate lot; provided, they shall be no more than 500 feet from, and in the same zoning district, as the use served.
(2011 Code, § 34.0306.13)