(A)   (1)   Guideline 1.   To promote the eclectic use of building materials, natural or synthetic, that produces a high-quality development and street-level scale of design.
      (2)   Standards.
         (a)   All sides of the buildings open to or viewable from the public right of way should be treated with the same level of architectural style as well as the same building materials.
         (b)   At least two different building materials shall be incorporated into the exterior finish to increase visual interest. Highlighting architectural elements, such as changes in facade plane, is encouraged. Image 6 illustrates how multiple building materials can be incorporated into the exterior finish and can be used to highlight architectural elements.
   (B)   (1)   Guideline 2. To encourage the use of architectural elements to provide visual interest and interrupt long facade expanses.
      (2)   Standards.
         (a)   Achieve roofline changes through the alteration of roof style, material and height across long building expanses.
         (b)   Entrances into buildings should be easily identifiable and could be projected or recessed to create visual interest.
         (c)   A combined use of arches, awnings, display windows, articulation, changes in building materials, or other architectural features shall be incorporated into the building design. Image 7 illustrates how a combination of awnings, different building materials, windows and height changes break up a long wall on a large retail store.
(2011 Code, § 34.04060.7)