(A)   The purpose of these guidelines and standards are to promote high-quality development and serve as an extension of the Zoning, Subdivision, and Site Plan Ordinances. The city has established consistency between these ordinances and this design overlay district. However, in some instances, these guidelines are more restrictive than the Zoning, Subdivision or Site Plan Ordinances. Whenever the case, the most restrictive regulations shall apply.
   (B)   As noted earlier, the city encourages businesses to pursue their individual identities within these guidelines. Because today’s market has such a vast selection of building materials, the city does not wish to advocate the use of any one particular material. However, the city does wish to advocate the use of materials that are going to produce high-quality construction and landscaping that will enhance the look and feel of the district. Throughout the following guidelines and standards, pictures and sketches are used to convey the expectation in quality, feel and appearance.
(2011 Code, § 34.04060.6)