§ 158.089 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ARTICULATION. The interruption of the building, fence, wall or other structure facade through the use of directional change, depth change, awnings, arches, display windows, change in materials, or other architectural elements which provide interest and texture. Image 4 illustrates both horizontal and vertical ARTICULATION.
   ECLECTIC. Composed of elements from a variety of sources, systems, materials or styles.
   FENCE, SCREENING. A fence that is constructed of a solid material, such as wood, that serves the purpose of concealing or hiding.
   HARMONY. The implementation of site and architectural style that works with and complements the development patterns and style as well as the natural environment of the surrounding area.
   OVERLAY DISTRICT. A district which is placed on top of the base zoning to modify the development guidelines and to achieve a specific purpose for that area. The regulations of the underlying zoning district and all other regulations remain in effect.
   SIGN, FREE-STANDING. A sign that is not attached to a building.
   SIGN, HIGH RISE. A free-standing sign that is oriented toward the interstate and is typically larger in size and taller than other free-standing signs.
   SIGN, POLE. A free-standing sign where a sign face or sign faces are attached to a single pole or multiple poles and are not enclosed by a framing element. Image 5 illustrates a POLE SIGN.
(2011 Code, § 34.04060.5)