(A)   Intent. The C-O: Office Commercial District shall provide for institutional and office type uses normally considered to be in the interest of the general public and of a public or semi-public nature, where such uses are compatible with existing and indicated future development. This District shall be well served by arterial streets to provide for adequate access and development in accordance with the regulations set out in this chapter. It is intended that the permitted uses be compatible and not detrimental to adjacent properties, particularly in evening hours.
   (B)   Permitted uses. The following are permitted in the C-O: Office Commercial District:
      (1)   Dwelling units when located in a building containing one or more of the uses contained herein and comprising not more 50% of the gross floor of any building; provided, however, that, such use shall be permitted only after evidence is presented to the Zoning Administrator that such use is compatible with the proposed development and the surrounding neighborhood;
      (2)   Funeral parlors or mortuaries;
      (3)   Hospitals and clinics for human care and sanitariums;
      (4)   Institutions of an educational or religious nature;
      (5)   Nursing homes and rest homes;
      (6)   Office buildings, including retail establishments directly related to the business conducted by the owners and/or tenants of the office buildings on the same property;
      (7)   Veterinary hospitals and clinics, completely within a building;
      (8)   Accessory buildings and uses customarily incident to any of the above uses; such as community buildings including day care centers, public and private social service agencies; and
      (9)   Agriculture.
   (C)   Conditional uses. The following uses may be permitted in the C-O: Office Commercial District as a conditional use by the Zoning Board of Adjustment: residential corrections facilities.
   (D)   Minimum site area. The minimum site are for which C-O: Office Commercial District zoning shall be permitted is 20,000 square feet (1,850m²).
   (E)   Bulk regulations.
      (1)   Height: the maximum height of a building hereafter erected or structurally altered shall not exceed a height of 50 feet;
      (2)   Yard setbacks:
         (a)   Front yard: 25 feet;
         (b)   Side yard: 15 feet;
         (c)   Rear yard: 25 feet; and
         (d)   Corner side yard: interior 15 feet, street side 25 feet.
   (F)   Waiver for special conditions. The minimum requirements as set forth in this chapter may be waived by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council when the C-O: Office Commercial District is applied to existing parcels, buildings and structures which cannot meet the requirements of the chapter. The Commission shall make recommendations and comments specifically related to such waivers for Council consideration and approval.
   (G)   Development plan. The following information shall be required when applying for a zoning classification and/or when applying for a building permit in the C-O: Office Commercial District:
      (1)   Development plans drawn to a scale of not greater than one inch equals 100 feet showing: the boundaries of the site; the width, location and names of surrounding streets, proposed street sections and improvements; existing and proposed surface and improved drainage; the location, dimensions and uses on adjacent property of all existing buildings and structures within 100 feet of the boundary line of the subject site; the location, dimensions, ground floor area and uses of all existing and proposed buildings and structures on the subject site; parking areas, including the size and number of stalls, and the internal circulation pattern; signs, including location, height and material of walls and fences; and other specific uses of the site;
      (2)   Schematic drawings and renderings to scale showing the architectural design of all buildings and structures;
      (3)   Statistical information, including the following:
         (a)   Total acreage of site area;
         (b)   Height, ground floor area and total floor area of each building;
         (c)   Number and type of dwelling units of each building;
         (d)   Building coverage expressed as a percent of the site area; and
         (e)   Area of land devoted to landscaping and/or open space and its percentage of the site area.
      (4)   Proposed grading and surface drainage, including connection to public storm drain system if required;
      (5)   Landscape plan showing:
         (a)   Trees and other plantings, indicating those to be retained, removed or relocated;
         (b)   Special landscape features to be retained or created, such as walks, walls, fences and the like; and
         (c)   Recreation areas and facilities to be provided, if any.
      (6)   The sequence of construction of various portions of the development if the construction is to occur in stages;
      (7)   Location and method of handling trash and rubbish disposal; and
      (8)   Other information which may be reasonably required by the Planning and Zoning Commission or the City Council for a proper consideration of the proposal.
(2011 Code, § 34.04034)